Neurons Stephen Richards

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Nervous System Central Nervous System (CNS)- brain and spinal chord Peripheral

Nervous System

Central Nervous System (CNS)- brain and spinal chord
Peripheral Nervous System

(PNS)- all nerves extending from and going to the CNS
Composed of over 100 billion neurons
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Elements of a Neuron

Elements of a Neuron

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Neurotransmitters Are required along with vesicles to transmit a nerve impulse


Are required along with vesicles to transmit a nerve impulse from

one neuron to another over the synapse.
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Classes of Neurons Afferent- do not have dendrites: transmit impulses from

Classes of Neurons

Afferent- do not have dendrites: transmit impulses from specialized

structures to the Central Nervous System
Efferent- conduct electrical signals from the CNS to muscle or glad cells
Inter- reside entirely within the CNS and make up about 99% of all neurons
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Neuroscience Terminology Nerve- bundle of axons in the PNS Pathway- bundle

Neuroscience Terminology

Nerve- bundle of axons in the PNS
Pathway- bundle of axons

in the CNS
Commissure- a collection of nerve fibers linking the left and right halves of the CNS
Nuclei- cell bodies linked together in the CNS
Ganglia- cell bodies linked together in the PNS