Businessman- is a business person, an undertaker, who occupies with his own business and has it in purpose to get profit or another benefits. ( The ec


Слайд 2

Decided as Kostya Tszyu

Decided as Kostya Tszyu

Слайд 3

Purposeful as Vladimir Putin

Purposeful as Vladimir Putin

Слайд 4

Risky as Jackie Chan

Risky as Jackie Chan

Слайд 5

Energetic as Denis Ablyazin

Energetic as Denis Ablyazin

Слайд 6

Enterprising as Roman Abramovich

Enterprising as Roman Abramovich

Слайд 7

Clever as Anatoly Wasserman

Clever as Anatoly Wasserman

Слайд 8

Persistent as Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Persistent as Vladimir Zhirinovsky

Слайд 9

Communicative as Maxim Galkin

Communicative as Maxim Galkin

Слайд 10

Self-confident as Kseniya Sobchak

Self-confident as Kseniya Sobchak

Слайд 11

Hardworking as Alexey Stahanov

Hardworking as Alexey Stahanov

Слайд 12

Creative as Valentin Yudashkin

Creative as Valentin Yudashkin

Слайд 13

Communicative as Tina Kandelaki

Communicative as Tina Kandelaki

Слайд 14

Businessman. To be or not to be.

To be or not to be.

Слайд 15

Слайд 16

Find the second part of the sentences My father is …

Find the second part of the sentences
My father is … a)

a very creative mind
He works . . . b) a friendly person
He often finds the time. . . c) as a managing director
A businessman needs to have. . . d) market research
Our country needs good businesspeople . . . e) with people
Management deals with . . . f) to spend it with his family
Marketing deals with . . . g) to strengthen its economy
Слайд 17

The disadvantages: -can be happen risky moments in life - not

The disadvantages:
-can be happen risky moments in life
- not enough faithful

little time to do all you plan
not much time to do all you
Слайд 18

The advantages: -a high level of comfortable life - an opportunity

The advantages:
-a high level of comfortable life
- an opportunity to provide

family with money
-an opportunity to have the highest
level in the society
-an opportunity to render a charitable
help to poor people
Слайд 19

Forms of business organization 1.An individual undertaking 2.The legal body 3.An

Forms of business organization
1.An individual undertaking
2.The legal body
3.An association
4.An association on

5.Limited liability company
6.Joint-stock company
8.The state and municipal enterprises
10.The company with one owner
Слайд 20

Слайд 21

down 1 . What is necessary to write if you would

1 . What is necessary to write if you would like

to be a businessman?
5. What character's trait is a guarantee of your business?
6 . What must have a businessman as a first capital?
8. 20% of your results in business depend on you and on what depends 80% in your business?
10. What must pay a businessman to the tax-body?
2. What is necessary to promote your business?
3. What can help you in your business?
4. Without it you needn’t to begin your business?
7. Whom will be less and less from year to year in business?
9. How can be called people using services of your business?
Слайд 22

Слайд 23

Plan of an offical registration as an individual undertaker

Plan of an offical registration
as an individual undertaker

Слайд 24

I. Going to the tax-body you will take:

I. Going to the tax-body you will take:

Слайд 25



Слайд 26

2.An individual number of tax-payer

2.An individual number of tax-payer

Слайд 27

3.The statement in the form R21001

3.The statement in the form R21001

Слайд 28

4.A cheque

4.A cheque

Слайд 29

In a week you will get:

In a week you will get:

Слайд 30

1.The certificate about state registration of physical person as an individual undertaker

1.The certificate about state registration of physical person as an individual

Слайд 31

2.The extract from state-register as an individual undertaker

2.The extract from state-register as an individual undertaker

Слайд 32

3.The notification about resolution to register a physical person in tax-body

3.The notification about resolution to register a physical person in tax-body

on the territory of the Russian Federation
Слайд 33

II. Going to bank for opening an account:

II. Going to bank for opening an account:

Слайд 34

1.The statement for opening an account

1.The statement for opening an account

Слайд 35



Слайд 36

3.The certificate about state registration of an individual undertaker

3.The certificate about state registration of an individual undertaker

Слайд 37

4.The certificate about resolution to register in tax-body

4.The certificate about resolution to register in tax-body

Слайд 38

5.The reference from the body of state statistics

5.The reference from the body of state statistics

Слайд 39

6.A bank-card

6.A bank-card

Слайд 40

III.Going to pension-fund

III.Going to pension-fund

Слайд 41

1.The notification about the registration of an individual undertaker

1.The notification about the registration of an individual undertaker