Refutation and Rebuttal


Слайд 2

Exercise – Build your arguments

Exercise – Build your arguments

Слайд 3

Definition Refutation – an element of dispute, in the course of


Refutation – an element of dispute, in the course of

which opponents argument is attacked, in order to demean its value and effectiveness, in the eyes of the audience
i.e. –opposing arguments
Rebuttal – an element of dispute, in the course of which the team recovers their arguments
i.e. – the Refutation of Refutation
Слайд 4

Refutation consists of 1)Attacking the arguments of your opponent 2)Building your

Refutation consists of
1)Attacking the arguments of your opponent
2)Building your own

Rebuttal consists of
1)Attacking the arguments of your opponent
2)Restoring your arguments
Слайд 5

Слайд 6

Слайд 7

Types of Refutations Denial Strategies Acceptance Strategies

Types of Refutations

Denial Strategies
Acceptance Strategies

Слайд 8

Denial Strategies - Challenging the definitions and attributes - Challenging the

Denial Strategies

- Challenging the definitions and attributes
- Challenging the evidence

Demonstrating the opposite
- Demonstrating specific fallacies of the opponent
Слайд 9

The structure of the 3-step refutation 1. “ Our opponents argue

The structure of the 3-step refutation

1. “ Our opponents argue that..."

2. "But we do not agree with their claim..." (why opponents argument is not convincing, true, insignificant)
3. "Therefore ..." (conclusion)
Слайд 10

Challenging the definitions and attributes Prove that definitions: - Not quite

Challenging the definitions and attributes

Prove that definitions:
- Not quite clear to

your opponents themselves
- Incorrectly interpreted
- Your opponents introduced ambiguous definitions that mislead your audience
Usually, this happens with the definitions of complex the concepts of "communism".
"Dictatorship", etc.
Слайд 11

Challenging the evidence Show that: - This "authority" did not conducted

Challenging the evidence

Show that:
- This "authority" did not conducted research

on this problem
- This "authority" is not a professional researchers in this field
- This "authority" has a bias
- This "authority" is exaggerating the situation
- This "authority" is inconsistent in its findings
- Given statistics is not covering all cases
- Given statistics is not proving given thesis
- Given statistics contradict others
Слайд 12

Demonstrating the opposite "Other studies say the opposite" "Our examples prove the opposite."

Demonstrating the opposite

"Other studies say the opposite"
"Our examples prove the opposite."

Слайд 13

Demonstrating specific fallacies of the opponent

Demonstrating specific fallacies of the opponent

Слайд 14

Acceptance strategies Minimization Superiority Turn over

Acceptance strategies

Turn over

Слайд 15

Minimization When faced to a logically sound and correct argument, the


When faced to a logically sound and correct argument, the team

can reduce the importance of this argument, by showing its insignificance
"The problem, of course, exist, but it is not so... great. “
NOT denying the validity and consistence
BUT diminishing its importance
Слайд 16

Example Statement: - Freedom of speech leads to the instability in


- Freedom of speech leads to the instability in State.

This may be the cause of destabilization, but such cases are so rare and they are not so serious, to justify constraining one of the fundamental human freedoms.
Слайд 17

Superiority Very effective strategy . When faced to a logically sound


Very effective strategy . When faced to a logically sound and

correct argument, the team agrees with their opponents claim, but then points to the more important and expedient points
Слайд 18

Example Statement: - Freedom of speech leads to the instability in


- Freedom of speech leads to the instability in State.

It can cause destabilization in the country, but the freedom of speech protects human rights and their preservation, which is much more important.
Слайд 19

Turn Over One of the most effective strategies of refutation in

Turn Over

One of the most effective strategies of refutation in which

the team uses the arguments of their opponents to support their own case/line
Слайд 20

Example Statement: - Freedom of speech leads to the instability in


- Freedom of speech leads to the instability in State.

That's true, but it also reflects the causes of social problems, and provides an opportunity to take measures, and to prevent similar problems in the future
Слайд 21

Questions Do you have to refute everything that the previous speaker said ? NO


Do you have to refute everything that the previous speaker said



Слайд 22

Questions Can you win without refuting the arguments of opponents? OF COURSE !


Can you win without refuting the arguments of opponents?


Слайд 23

Questions Do you need to make the big emphasize on the


Do you need to make the big emphasize on the refutation

in your speech (to pronounce all)?


Слайд 24

Let’s Play

Let’s Play