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Halls of ancient art
Halls of ancient art
The history of the creation of the halls The emergence of the Assembly refers to the time of the opening of the Russian Museum to the 1898 g. first icons and other antiquities from the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg, which from the mid-19th century there was a Museum of Christian Antiquities. Among them were icons from collections of famous collectors M.p. Pogodina and P.f. Korobanova, an extensive collection of icons, crosses and skladnej, confiscated from old houses. Unique monuments of sculpture of the 16th century were discovered and removed from the Novgorod Sophia Cathedral; collection of Russian and Greek monuments collected on Mount Athos P.i. Sevastjanovym. Subsequently a large role in the fate of the Russian Museum collection played in 1913, acquisition. the vast collection of the famous historian and collector of academician N.p. Likhachev, up about 1500 icons. In 1912 and 1914 Gg. the Museum was enriched with ancient monuments of the two largest monasteries — Joseph-Volokolamsk and Pokrovsky Suzdal from sacristy which were brought 46 icons representing The Entombment. Sewn shroud. The earliest monument of the collection belongs to the beginning of the century. Is the shroud of "the Entombment", dubbed "blue" by the color of its background. Gold and silver threads on her dirt Evangelical scene mourning Christ, iconographic type of which repeats the ancient Byzantine such definitions as exasperate. The entire compositional and artistic operation of its subordinate to transfer the internal condition of the characters imbued with a sense of deep grief. His expressiveness, as in the best works of iconography this time, achieved the master drawing, subtly referred to took possession with a wonderful technique for sewing zolotnogo and use monochromatic colors. The Shroud is interesting and its decorative qualities, despite the loss of ancient background is dark-blue Italian kamki. Golden stars and crosses, symbolizing the celestial sphere, like a golden ornament fill the space around the Central composition, emphasizing the special jewel all works .The earliest monument of the collection belongs to the beginning of the century. Is the shroud of "the Entombment", dubbed "blue" by the color of its background. Gold and silver threads on her dirt Evangelical scene mourning Christ, iconographic type of which repeats the ancient Byzantine such definitions as exasperate. The entire compositional and artistic operation of its subordinate to transfer the internal condition of the characters imbued with a sense of deep grief. His expressiveness, as in the best works of iconography this time, achieved the master drawing, subtly referred to took possession with a wonderful technique for sewing zolotnogo and use monochromatic colors. The Shroud is interesting and its decorative qualities, despite the loss of ancient background is dark-blue Italian kamki. Golden stars and crosses, symbolizing the celestial sphere, like a golden ornament fill the space around the Central composition, emphasizing the special jewel all works (Baldin, Manu ...
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