Презентации по Английскому языку

Рекомендации к составлению личного письма
Рекомендации к составлению личного письма
Рекомендации к письму Обязательно подсчитайте количество написанных вами слов. Помните, что адрес и дата, предлоги и артикли входят в общее количество слов. Очень важно уложиться в заданный объем 40-50 слов -5 класс, 50—60 слов-6 класс, так как при превышении объема на 10% будет проверяться и учитываться только та часть письма, которая укладывается в 50-60 слов. Схема письма Адрес пишущего (указывается в правом верхнем углу) Дата письма (под адресом) Обращение, В начале письма автор обычно а) благодарит адресата за ранее полученную корреспонденцию; б) извиняется, что не писал раньше (используются фразы-клише). Основная часть письма –новый абзац. Отвечаете на заданные вопросы по порядку. В конце письма (новый абзац) автор обычно упоминает о причине окончания письма, а также о дальнейших контактах (используются фразы-клише). Завершающая фраза, Подпись автора (имя)
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England. Kingdom of England
England. Kingdom of England
Is the largest and most populous constituent country of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. England became a unified state in the year 927 and takes its name from the Angles, one of the Germanic tribes who settled there during the 5th and 6th centuries. The capital of England is London, the largest urban area in Great Britain, and the largest urban zone in the European Union by most, but not all, measures. ENGLAND Originally, England (or Englaland) was a geographical term to describe the part of Britain occupied by the Anglo-Saxons, rather than a name of an individual nation-state. It became politically united through the expansion of the kingdom of Wessex, whose king Athelstan brought the whole of England under one ruler for the first time in 927, al though unification did not become permanent until 954, when Edred defeated Eric Bloodaxe and became King of England. In 1016 England was conquered by the Danish king Canute the Great, and became the centre of government for his short-lived empire which included Denmark and Norway. In 1042 England became a separate kingdom again with the accession of Edward the Confessor, heir of the native English dynasty. However,the political ties and direction of England were changed forever by the Norman Conquest in 1066. The Kingdom of England (including Wales) continued to exist as an independent nation-state right through to the Acts of Union. KINGDOM OF ENGLAND
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SR-10. Training aircraft
SR-10. Training aircraft
Entering the service of the AF of up-to-date aircraft systems (AS) with new operational capabilities imposes increased demands towards the training level of the graduates of flight institutions of higher education. A modern pilot should possess the whole wealth of knowledge, skills and abilities allowing him to use the combat potential of up-to-date and perspective AS in all their application conditions to the full extent. The existing flight personnel training system based on the use of practically one type of the training aircraft (L-39) and the use of the combat aeronautical engineering (MiG-29, Su-25) in the training process is physically and morally outdated and does not comply with up-to-date requirements. Moreover, this training system is not reasonable according to the criterion “efficiency/cost”. The improvement of the flight personnel training system should be intended, first of all, for the formation of the rational training aircraft fleet that provides for the implementation of the reasonable stage-by-stage approach to the training and the use of training aircrafts (TA) adapted for the tasks of a corresponding training stage at every stage. The criteria of TA reasonable fleet formation for flight institutions of higher education should be the provision of a given number of flight personnel training with the required training quality with minimum training costs. Introduction / OOO “KB SAT” As a rule, the TA reasonable fleet includes three types of aircrafts providing the carrying out of the preliminary, basic and higher training. The optimization of the TA fleet characteristics based on principles of methodical unification and succession, the stage-by-stage increasing of methodical possibilities (“from simple to complex”) and complementarities with the consideration of up-to-date requirements to military pilots’ training will make it possible to create conditions for the further harmonic mastering of a combat aircraft. This approach will provide the achievement of a high quality of pilots’ training and minimizing of their training costs. The most important component that ensures the efficiency improvement of the pilots training process is the education integration providing for the methodic and information integration of training in auditoriums, on training simulators and during the flight. An integrated training complex (ITC) combining the TA, simulators and classrooms should be created for every training stage, which are built on the basis of interactive automated training systems. At the same time, all ITC shall form the uniform through system of combat pilots’ training on the methodical basis. One of the implementation conditions of perspective ITC creation projects in new economic conditions is their profitability, which is provided, first of all, by the volume of the serial production of corresponding TA. Increasing of TA serial production volumes can be achieved, on the one hand, for account of the sales markets expansion, first of all, foreign ones, which is provided by the consideration of their requirements, on the other hand – by the modification of a corresponding TA of another purpose, first of all, acrobatic ones. The latter is of immediate interest for the TA of the primary and basic training. That is why, the project of SR-10 aircraft creation provides for its development in two main modifications – training and acrobatic. Purpose of the aircraft SR-10 / OOO “KB SAT” Training variant Acrobatic variant training of the pilot technique and standard, advanced and higher operation in accordance with tasks of the initial and basic flight training; training of navigation fundamentals and flight operation en-route using the standard navigation equipment; instrument flight rules operation; group formation flight training in couples. training of the pilot technique and standard, advanced and higher operation separately and in complex in full range of the aircraft APC; practicing of reverse aerobatics; mastering of sports aerobatics; participation in aircraft sports competitions.
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