Double Degree Studies in Tourism and Service Business


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Double Degree Studies in Tourism and Service Business Department of Tourism, Hospitality and Youth Work

Double Degree Studies in Tourism and Service Business

Department of Tourism, Hospitality

and Youth Work
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Facts of Tourism and Service Business Studies in Xamk Special focus:

Facts of Tourism and Service Business Studies in Xamk

Special focus:
experience-based and

responsible tourism services
sustainable restaurant and catering services 
400 students:
80 % Bachelor students
20 % Master students
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Bachelor level education, 210 ECTS, 3.5 years Professional studies taught in

Bachelor level education,
210 ECTS, 3.5 years
Professional studies taught

in English, 60 ECTS/year
Double Degree students (Moscow and St. Petersburg)
Exchange students: appr. 10 countries (e.g. Germany, Spain, Italy, Holland, Ireland, Thailand, France, Hungary)
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Double Degree in Tourism and Service Business Based on agreements between

Double Degree in Tourism and Service Business

Based on agreements between universities

since 2010
Possibility to continue for Master studies in European universities
Double Degree group of 2014-2015
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Why Double Degree? The degree gives you competence to work in

Why Double Degree?

The degree gives you competence to work in product

and service design, marketing and management positions as well as in applied research in service business enterprises
Benefits you at the international labour market
Increases your chances of moving on to post-graduate studies abroad
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To Whom? For students interested in meeting new people, learning about

To Whom?

For students interested in
meeting new people, learning about cultures and

personal development
pursuing an international career
For students who are
curious about the future
good at the English language
customer-oriented, inspired, ambitious and forward-looking
In short - for You!
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What? One academic year, 60 ECTS Course work, compulsory professional studies


One academic year, 60 ECTS
Course work, compulsory professional studies (40 ECTS)

Training (5 ECTS)
Bachelor’s Thesis, commissioned by working life (15 ECTS)
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Courses and timing Autumn 2022 Digital skills in hospitality service production

Courses and timing

Autumn 2022 
Digital skills in hospitality service production 5 cr
Responsible hospitality

business development  5 cr
Basics of research and development (compulsory) 5 cr
Practical training (compulsory) 5 cr
Optional studies
Tourism risk management (online) 5 cr
Finnish 1 5 cr
Customer service design and quality of service (online) 3 cr
Customer service process planning (online) 2 cr
Spring 2023
Professional English 5 cr
Customized services in hospitality business 5 cr
Future service processes 5 cr
Bachelor’s thesis (compulsory) 15 cr
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How? Requirements At least 120 ECTS (two years’ studies) completed at


At least 120 ECTS (two years’ studies) completed at the home

institution including at least 30 ECTS of compulsory professional studies
Practical training
5 ECTS completed during the study period in Xamk, 25 ECTS can be completed before or after the Double Degree period
Personal study plan for each student at the beginning of the studies
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How to Study? By doing By reading By reflecting By discussing

How to Study?

By doing
By reading
By reflecting
By discussing
By participating in the lectures

In workshops
In co-operation with enterprises
Learning platforms: Learn, Teams, Adobe connect (AC)
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Practical Matters Applying Housing Life in Finland Contact persons

Practical Matters

Life in Finland
Contact persons

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Application Period 1 April – 15 May Language test organized by

Application Period 1 April – 15 May

Language test organized by Xamk

in April. Students who pass the test are qualified to apply.
Home university’s international office nominates the applicants to Xamk in SoleMOVE by 15.4.
Applicants gather the required documentation for the application: transcript of records, copy of passport, motivation letter, CV
Applicants fill in and submit the online application in SoleMOVE by 15.5
Applicants confirm their study place after being accepted to the Double Degree programme

Application steps

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Tuition Fee Tuition fee for students outside the EU/EEA countries is

Tuition Fee

Tuition fee for students outside the EU/EEA countries is EUR

3 000 per academic year
Xamk Scholarship Programme:
50 % reimbursement for students completing 55 ECTS during two consequent semesters
extra scholarship available for students completing studies in Finnish language and culture
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Living in Mikkeli Accommodation is arranged by the local student housing

Living in Mikkeli

Accommodation is arranged by the local student housing company

MOAS, (single or shared housing)
Accommodation should be applied two months prior to the arrival at the latest
Most student apartments are located about two km from the campus
Required funds: 560 € / month for living expenses including accommodation, food and other daily expenses
The average student price for a meal in campus resturants is 2-5 €
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Finland, Mikkeli, and Xamk What’s the weather like? What clothes should

Finland, Mikkeli, and Xamk

What’s the weather like? What clothes should I

What about the language, currency and religion of Finland?
How are Finns like? What are the eating and drinking habits? What to expect out of the academic year in Mikkeli?
Check the answers from the Xamk’s website:
Virtual tour on Mikkeli campus:
Video presentation of the Double Degree programme:
Double degree programme in Tourism and service business - YouTube
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Contact Persons Department of Tourism, Hospitality and Youth Work Head of

Contact Persons

Department of Tourism, Hospitality and Youth Work
Head of Department, Ms.

Tuija Pesonen
Degree Programme Coordinator, Ms. Anu Rantanen
Lecturer, Double Degree Mentor, Ms. Marjut Kasper
Lecturer, Ms. Natalia Kushcheva
International Services
Ms. Kaisa Åkerman (Double Degree agreements, contact person in administrative matters)
Ms. Ulla Vuorinen (orientation, other practicalities)
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Additional Information More information about the nomination, application, language requirements, tuition fee etc.

Additional Information

More information about the nomination, application, language requirements, tuition fee

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Kiitos – Thank You!

Kiitos – Thank You!

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