Simultaneous games. Oligopoly. (Lecture 2)


Слайд 2

Oligopoly Extreme forms of market structure are uncomplicated: Monopoly: one producer,


Extreme forms of market structure are uncomplicated:
Monopoly: one producer, no strategic

Perfect competition: many producers, price is given, no strategic interaction
Oligopoly: the industry is dominated by a small number of large firms. Intermediate case, between perfect competition and monopoly.
Smartphones industry
Oil producers
Accounting Big 4
Boeing and Airbus
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Strategic interactions and oligopoly When making strategic decisions (on prices, quantity,

Strategic interactions and oligopoly

When making strategic decisions (on prices, quantity, advertising,

innovation etc.) the oligopolist must consider the actions/reactions of its competitors.
Payoff interdependency: A producer’s payoff depends on what the other producers do.
Use of game theory.
Application of NE to oligopoly theory. Analysis of the decision of how much to produce (quantity).
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Demand and costs Demand: The market price is a function of

Demand and costs

Demand: The market price is a function of the

total quantity produced in the industry, e.g:
Costs: Suppose that the marginal cost is 0.28
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Monopoly The monopolist chooses Q to maximize profit: Outcome: Low output


The monopolist chooses Q to maximize profit:
Low output to keep prices

high and maximize profit.
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Perfect competition Many producers, the price is given. In equilibrium, Q

Perfect competition

Many producers, the price is given.
In equilibrium, Q is such

that P=MC, i.e. P=0.28. Producers make zero profit.
P = 1 − 0.001Q = 0.28, hence Q = 720,
Quantity is higher under perfect competition than under monopoly.
Слайд 7

The Cournot model What is the Cournot model? Model of industry

The Cournot model

What is the Cournot model?
Model of industry structure where

producers’ strategic decision is about how much to produce.
Two producers, Firm 1 and Firm 2 (oligopoly).
Produce the same good
Sell on the same market
One market price, which depends on the total output
No entry
Simultaneous game
Example: oil producing countries
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Demand The more producers jointly produce, the lower the market price Example:


The more producers jointly produce, the lower the market price


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Costs and profit Suppose that the marginal cost is 0.28: Profit of Firms 1 and 2:

Costs and profit

Suppose that the marginal cost is 0.28:
Profit of Firms

1 and 2:
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Discrete choices Suppose there are just three possible quantities that each

Discrete choices

Suppose there are just three possible quantities that each firm

i=1,2 can choose qi = 180, 240 or 360.
There are 3x3=9 possible outcomes. For example, if firm 1 chooses q1=180, and firm 2 chooses q2=240, then:
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Discrete choices Nash Equilibrium

Discrete choices

Nash Equilibrium

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Continuous choices Discrete games are not suitable to analyze the decision

Continuous choices
Discrete games are not suitable to analyze the decision of

how much to produce
Producers are not limited to just 3 levels of production.
Quantity is a continuous variable, not a discrete one.
We now assume that producers can produce any quantity.
How much to produce?
More units sold means more volume, but lower price.
Essential to take into account the other producer’s behavior.
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Continuous choices Simplifying the profit function:

Continuous choices

Simplifying the profit function:

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Best responses We find the Nash equilibrium by deriving the best

Best responses

We find the Nash equilibrium by deriving the best response

To maximize profit, differentiate and set equal to zero:
Do the same for Firm 2:

Firm 1’s best response

Firm 2’s best response

Слайд 15

Best responses

Best responses

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Best responses 360 720 q1 q2 0 The more Firm 2

Best responses






The more Firm 2 produces, the lower the market
price, and

the less Firm 1 chooses to produce.
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360 720 q1 q2 Best responses Firm 2’s best response The





Best responses

Firm 2’s best response

The more Firm 1 produces, the lower

the market
price, and the less Firm 2 chooses to produce.
Слайд 18

Nash equilibrium Nash Equilibrium is where best responses meet. Firm 1’s

Nash equilibrium

Nash Equilibrium is where best responses meet.
Firm 1’s equilibrium strategy

is his best response to Firm 2’s equilibrium strategy which is also his best response to Firm 1’s equilibrium strategy.
Joint best response, and no incentive for producers to choose a different action.
Слайд 19

360 720 q1 q2 NE=(240,240) Nash equilibrium EQUILIBRIUM BR1 BR2 240 240






Nash equilibrium






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Nash equilibrium 360 720 q1 q2 Convergence towards Nash equilibrium: Why

Nash equilibrium





Convergence towards Nash equilibrium:
Why are other production levels

not equilibrium?
Start from (0,360)




Слайд 21

Effect of market structure Oligopoly delivers an intermediary outcome between two extreme forms of market structure.

Effect of market structure

Oligopoly delivers an intermediary outcome between two
extreme forms

of market structure.
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Effect of market structure Cournot with more than 2 producers:

Effect of market structure

Cournot with more than 2 producers:

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Effect of market structure Having fewer producers is associated with: Lower

Effect of market structure

Having fewer producers is associated with:
Lower total output

Higher profitability
Empirical evidence shows that profitability is on average higher in highly concentrated industries.
Слайд 24

Wouldn’t the two producers be better off cooperating rather than competing?

Wouldn’t the two producers be better off cooperating rather than competing?

Both producers could maximize joint profit by jointly producing the monopolist output level: Q=360, i.e. 180 for each producer.
The monopolist profit (129.6) is then shared between the two producers (i.e. 64.8 for each, instead of 57.6 if they play the NE).


Слайд 25

Cartel “The OPEC cartel agreed on Wednesday to reduce production by


“The OPEC cartel agreed on Wednesday to reduce production by 2.2

million barrels a day, the group’s largest cut ever, in an effort to put a floor on falling oil prices.
…Mr. Khelil (OPEC’s president) said the group wanted to “eliminate” an overhang of oil inventories …and aimed to push prices up to $70 to $80 a barrel.
“We have…excessive stocks that could really lead to a collapse in prices,” Mr. Khelil said during a chaotic and confused news conference after the meeting.
(NY Times, December 17, 2008)
Слайд 26

360 720 q1 q2 NE=(240,240) Cartel stability BR1 BR2 (180,180) Problem






Cartel stability




Problem with the cartel solution:
Cooperation is not stable

Слайд 27

Cartel stability Each producer makes more profit by deviating from the

Cartel stability

Each producer makes more profit by deviating from the cartel

quantity. For instance, if Firm 1 sticks to the cartel quantity of 180, Firm 2’s best response is:
The cartel problem is a Prisoner’s dilemma situation: it is collectively rational to cooperate (“optimal” outcome), but it is individually rational to defect (NE).
Слайд 28

Cartel stability “The coffee bean cartel, the Association of Coffee Producing

Cartel stability

“The coffee bean cartel, the Association of Coffee Producing Countries,

whose members produce 70% of the global supply, will shut down in January after failing to control international prices. [...] Mr Silva also said the failure of member countries to comply with the cartel’s production levels was a reason for the closure.”
(BBC News, October 19, 2001)
Слайд 29

Cartel stability To summarize… Producers have incentive to form cartels, but

Cartel stability

To summarize…
Producers have incentive to form cartels, but cartels are

Q: How to explain the fact that some cartels are quite stable, unlike what is predicted in the Cournot model?
List of cartel violations in the European Union
Слайд 30

Comparative statics If Firm 1’s marginal cost is 0.25 rather than

Comparative statics

If Firm 1’s marginal cost is 0.25 rather than 0.28,

how does it affect the outcome?

Increase of 17%