Passive voice. Modal verbs. Lobular pneumonia

Слайд 2

Lobar pneumonia usually has an acute progression. Classically, the disease has

Lobar pneumonia usually has an acute progression. Classically, the disease has

four stages. Congestion in the first 24 hours: This stage is characterized histologically by vascular engorgement, intra-alveolar fluid, small numbers of neutrophils, often numerous bacteria.

Lobular pneumonia

Слайд 3

Red hepatization or consolidation : Vascular congestion persists, with extravasation of

Red hepatization or consolidation : Vascular congestion persists, with extravasation of red cells into

alveolar spaces, along with increased numbers of neutrophils and fibrin. The filling of airspaces by the exudate leads to a gross appearance of solidification, or consolidation, of the alveolar parenchyma. This appearance has been likened to that of the liver, hence the term "hepatization".
Grey hepatization : Red cells disintegrate, with persistence of the neutrophils and fibrin. The alveoli still appear consolidated, but grossly the color is paler and the cut surface is drier.
Слайд 4

Lobular pneumonia is an acute exudative suppurative inflammation of the lungs

 Lobular pneumonia  is an acute exudative suppurative inflammation of the lungs

characterized by foci of consolidation surrounded by normal parenchyma. Generally, it is produced by bacteria : staphylococcus, streptococcus, Haemophilus influenzae, proteus, Escherichia coli.
Слайд 5

Modal verbs

Modal verbs

Слайд 6

Слайд 7

Passive Voice Употребляется обычно когда неизвестно,кто выполняет действие В английском языке

Passive Voice

Употребляется обычно когда неизвестно,кто выполняет действие
В английском языке употребляется чаще,чем

в русском.
Подлежащее в таких предложениях пассивно, на него направлено действие.