Job & Success

Слайд 2

Ice breaker (5 min) What is the name of profession on the photo?

Ice breaker
(5 min)

What is the name of profession on the photo?

Слайд 3

Слайд 4

Слайд 5

Слайд 6

Слайд 7

Слайд 8

Слайд 9

Слайд 10

The Best Job (10 min) In small groups (3-4 people in

The Best Job (10 min)
In small groups (3-4 people in a

group), each student has to share which job is the most successful in their opinion and why.
Слайд 11

working hours робочі години work full-time повна зайнятість work part-time часткова

working hours робочі години
work full-time повна зайнятість
work part-time часткова зайнятість
work nine to five працювати

з дев'яти до п'яти (8 годин)
career кар'єра

employer роботодавець
employee працівник
apply for a job подаватися на роботу
look for a job шукати роботу
get a job as (a waiter) отримати роботу офіціанта

Vocabulary (20 minutes)

Слайд 12

break перерва day off вихідний vacation відпустка out of the office

break перерва
day off вихідний
vacation відпустка
out of the office поза офісом
sick leave лікарняний

CEO виконавчий директор
accountant бухгалтер
meeting зустріч
salary заробітна плата
advance аванс

Vocabulary (20 minutes)

Слайд 13

Idioms (10 min)

Idioms (10 min)

Слайд 14

Meaning To work long hours without rest. Working late into the

To work long hours without rest. Working late into the night

and beginning again early in the morning.
Your eyes are black as sockets, you need to stop burning the candle at both ends and get some sleep man!

Burn the candle at both ends

Слайд 15

Meaning To enter a business or organization at a low level,

To enter a business or organization at a low level, but

with a chance of being more successful in the future.
Making contacts can help you get a foot in the door when it comes to getting a job.

Get a/your foot in the door

Слайд 16

Meaning To have many jobs or roles. Example She wears many

To have many jobs or roles.
She wears many hats: she's a

doctor, a musician, and a writer.

Wear many hats

Слайд 17

Meaning To use the power or influence one has over others,

To use the power or influence one has over others, especially

people of importance, to get what one wants or to help someone else.
I hear that the only reason Johnny got into college was because his dad pulled some strings with the president of the university.

Pull some strings

Слайд 18

Meaning Someone who is competent at many things but does not

Someone who is competent at many things but does not excel

at any of them.
I am very glad that my husband is a Jack of all trades; it saved us a lot of money when it came to fixing our house.

Jack of all trades

Слайд 19

Discussion (20 min) Split into groups of 5-7 people and discuss

Discussion (20 min)

Split into groups of 5-7 people and discuss following:

would you like to work and what would you do? Де б ти хотів(ла) працювати?
What job does your father or mother have? Where do they work? Would you like to have that job also? Why or why not? Яка робота у твого батька чи матері? Де вони працюють? Чи хотів(ла) б ти працювати на цій роботі? Чому так або ні?
What's more important to you: to have a job you like or to make a lot of money? Що важливіше для тебе - мати роботу, яка тобі подобається чи заробляти багато грошей?
Do you think the wife should stay at home with the kids or is it ok for her to work if she wants to? Як ви думаєте, дружина повинна залишатися вдома з дітьми чи це нормально коли вона працює якщо вона цього хоче?
Слайд 20

Insert proper profession I like to drive. I will be a

Insert proper profession
I like to drive. I will be a

I like to help sick people. I will be a ________________.
I like to build houses. I will be a _____________________.
I like to repair cars. I will be a ________________________.
I like to grow plants. I will be a ________________________.
I like to cook. I will be a _____________________________.
I like to work in a store. I will be a ______________________.

Activity (5 min)

Слайд 21

Video 1 - Money

Video 1 - Money

Слайд 22

What one word comes to your mind when you think of

What one word comes to your mind when you think of

this film? Яке одне слово приходить коли ви думаєте про це відео?
What do you think the mouse was desiring? Як ти думаєш якими бажаннями керувалась миша у відео?
How do you feel about the ending? Do you think it was worth it? Що ти думаєш про закінчення відео? Як ви думаєте воно того коштувало?
Does a mouse control success or success control the mouse? Миша керує успіхом чи успіх керує мишею?
What defines a successful person? Що визначає успішну людину?
I am successful when (I have: money, work, family) Я успішний(а) коли маю: гроші, роботу, сім’ю…
Tell about your the biggest success in life. Найбільший успіх у вашому житті?

Questions (20 min)