FIFA World Cup 2018

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COUNTRY HOSTESS December 2, 2010 in Zurich was announced the name


December 2, 2010 in Zurich was announced the name of

the host country of the World Cup: it was RUSSIA. By results of voting, Russia won already on the second round, having typed more than half of voices.
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The participants number of teams - 209 in the final - 32

The participants number of teams - 209 in the final - 32

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Wolf named Zabiliva became the official mascot of the World Cup

Wolf named Zabiliva became the official mascot of the World Cup

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He received 53% of the vote, with a large margin ahead

He received 53% of the vote, with a large margin ahead

of other applicants for this honorary title - Tiger - cosmonaut (27%), and Cat (20%)