Telephone Language


Слайд 2

Answering the phone: Hello? (informal) Thank you for calling Microsoft. Sam

Answering the phone:
Hello? (informal)
Thank you for calling Microsoft.
Sam speaking. How may

I help you?
Andrew’s Book Store. How can I help you?
Слайд 3

Introducing yourself – the caller: Hi. It’s Donald. (informal) Hello, this

Introducing yourself – the caller:
Hi. It’s Donald. (informal)
Hello, this is Donald

Jarvis calling.
Hi, this is Donald from the HR department.
Hi, this is Donald speaking.
Слайд 4

Confirming a name: Speaking (the person answering says this in response

Confirming a name:
Speaking (the person answering says this in response to

the question, “Is this X”)
Yes, that’s me.
Слайд 5

Asking to speak with someone: Is Donald in? (informal) Is Mr.

Asking to speak with someone:
Is Donald in? (informal)
Is Mr. Jarvis there,

Can I talk to Mr. Jarvis, please?
May I speak with Mr. Jarvis, please?
I’d like to speak to Mr. Jarvis, please.
Would Mr. Jarvis be available?
Is Donald around? (informal)
Слайд 6

Giving details of the call: I’m calling about X. I’m calling

Giving details of the call:
I’m calling about X.
I’m calling to confirm

the meeting tomorrow.
I’m calling in connection to the meeting tomorrow.
I’m calling up with regard to the advert in the local paper.
I’m calling regarding the meeting tomorrow.
It’s about the job that’s being advertised. (informal)
Слайд 7

Taking a message for someone: Would you like to leave a

Taking a message for someone:
Would you like to leave a message?

calling, please?
I’ll let her know you called.
I’ll make sure she gets the message.
May I take a message?
Can I take a message?
Would you like to leave a message?
Слайд 8

Leaving a message with someone: Can you tell her that Jane

Leaving a message with someone:
Can you tell her that Jane called,

No. That’s OK. I’ll call back later.
Thanks. Could you ask her to call Sam when she gets in?
My number is 345 – 324321, extension 632.
Could you tell her to call me as soon as possible?
Could I leave a message?
Слайд 9

Enquiries regarding the caller: Which company are you calling from? Who’s

Enquiries regarding the caller:
Which company are you calling from?
Who’s calling, please?

would you like to speak to?
Can I have your name, please?
Which department did you want to connect to?
May I ask what it’s about?
What’s it in connection to?
What’s it in connection with?
Can I ask who’s calling?
Where are you calling from?
Can I ask what it’s regarding?
Who’s speaking, please?
Слайд 10

Asking someone to wait: Just a sec (informal) Hold on a

Asking someone to wait:
Just a sec (informal)
Hold on a moment, please

on a second (informal)
Please hold the line
Bear with me, please.
One moment please.
Слайд 11

Connecting someone: I’ll put you through. I’m sorry but her line

Connecting someone:
I’ll put you through.
I’m sorry but her line is engaged

at the moment.
All our operators are busy at the moment.
I’m sorry but she’s not available at the moment. Can I take a message?
He’s busy right now. Can you call back again?
I’m having trouble getting through to Mr. Jarvis.
Слайд 12

Making special requests: Could you repeat that, please? Would you mind

Making special requests:
Could you repeat that, please?
Would you mind spelling that

for me, please?
Could you speak up a little, please?
Can you speak a little slower please? My English isn’t very good.
Can you call me back? I think we have a bad connection.
Can you please hold for a minute? I have another call.
How do you spell that, please?
Can I have your e-mail address/web site address,
Слайд 13

Problems: She is in a meeting right now. I’m sorry, she

She is in a meeting right now.
I’m sorry, she isn’t here

at the moment.
I’m afraid he’s just popped out.
I’m afraid he is not in at the moment.
I’m sorry, she’s not available at the moment.
Unfortunately, I’m not the right person to speak to about that. You need to talk to Mr. Jones.
Слайд 14

Mistakes: I’m sorry, but I think you’ve got the wrong number.

I’m sorry, but I think you’ve got the wrong number.
There is

no one here with that name.
There’s no one here called John.
Are you sure you’ve got the right number?
Слайд 15

Confirming information: OK, I’ve got that. Let me repeat that back

Confirming information:
OK, I’ve got that.
Let me repeat that back to you

just to make sure.
I’ll just repeat that back to you.
Would you like to repeat that back to me?
Did you say 76 or 77?
You said your name was Tom Andrews, didn’t you?
Was that Smythe with an “e” on the end?
Слайд 16

Finishing a conversation: OK, I’ll get on to that as soon

Finishing a conversation:
OK, I’ll get on to that as soon as

Well, I’ll talk to you soon.
OK, thanks for calling;
OK, I have to let you go now.
Sorry but I have another call coming through.
I’d better run.
I’m afraid that’s my other line.
OK, we’ll talk later.
Well, I look forward to seeing you next week.
We’ll talk again soon
Слайд 17

Saying goodbye: Catch you later (Informal) Bye-bye Bye for now. Speak to you soon Goodbye.

Saying goodbye:
Catch you later (Informal)
Bye for now.
Speak to you soon