The Population of the Country

Слайд 2

Vocabulary: Folk-songs-народные песни Wood-work-изделии по дереву Tribes-племена Well-known-общеизвестный Mention-упоминание Struggle-борьба Colonizers-колонизаторы Settlers-поселенцы Canoes-байдарки Conditions-условия

Vocabulary: Folk-songs-народные песни
Wood-work-изделии по дереву
Settlers-поселенцы Canoes-байдарки Conditions-условия

Слайд 3

The population of New Zealand is over four million people. More

The population of New Zealand is over four million people. More

than two thirds of the live in North Island. About 50 percent of the population live in four cities of Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch and Dunedin.
Слайд 4

New Zealand is a country where we can meet many aborigines.

New Zealand is a country where we can meet many aborigines.

Слайд 5

The Maoris make up eight percent of the population. They are

The Maoris make up eight percent of the population. They are

famous for their folk-songs and wood-work. And they call New Zealand the Land of the Great White Cloud.
Слайд 6

The tribes of Maori are well-known all over the world. The

The tribes of Maori are well-known all over the world. The

representatives of Polynesian race had lived on the islands of New Zealand for hundreds of years before the white people came there. They are often called Vikings of Sunrise.
Слайд 7

Around the middle of the 14th century, they traveled to New

Around the middle of the 14th century, they traveled to New

Zealand. They sailed in double canoes, open to all weather conditions. They knew the winds, the ocean currents and the navigation through the stars, so they reached this land, later called New Zealand, and we can call them the Vikings of the sunrise.
Слайд 8

Speaking about New Zeland, we can't but mention the Maori Wars-the

Speaking about New Zeland, we can't but mention the Maori Wars-the

struggle against the British colonizers in the 19th country. Many Maoris were killed and their lands were taken by the English settlers.
Слайд 9

Questions 1.What are the four cities where 50 percent of the

Questions 1.What are the four cities where 50 percent of the population

lives? 2.As Maori is called New Zealand? 3.What is known Maori? 4.Who captured the land of Maori?