Презентации по Английскому языку

Food in our life Food is a very important thing in our life. We eat to support our body in good condition. Food shortage leads to exhaustion of organism together with mental problems such as depression and apathy. However, overeating doesn’t bring benefit either. Excess weight can do even more harm than underweight. The reason of it is that a stout person mainly takes heavy and greasy food neglecting completely the rules of healthy nutrition. Overweight people can’t proud themselves on good health. In general they are prone to different kinds of diseases: from heart and vascular diseases up to chronic ones. So, first of all we have to learn the basic rules of healthy eating. It’s very easy. Food that is rich in calories is allowed only in small quantity. So to speak, one must know when to spot. Alcohol consumption to excess is also forbidden. Then what foodstuff should we buy when shopping? First and foremost dairy products and vegetables (as well as fruits). In addition we have to consume greens, cereals (porridges) and boiled meat, particularly chicken-meat. Moreover, general calorie intake is not less important. For an ordinary person this number shouldn’t exceed 2000 for females and 2500 for males. Transcription of the text Food is a very important thing in our life. [fu:d] [ız] [ə] [verı] [ımpɔ:tənt] [θıŋ] [ın] [auə] [laıf] We eat to support our body in good condition. [wi:] [i:t] [tu:] [səpɔ:t] [auə] [bɔdı] [ın] [gud] [kəndıʃən] Food shortage leads to exhaustion of organism together with mental problems such as depression and apathy. [fu:d] [ʃɔ:tıʤ] [leds] [tu:] [ıgzɔ:sʧən] [ɔv] [ɔ:gənızm] [təgeðə] [wıð] [mentl] [prɔbləms] [sʌʧ] [æz] [dıpreʃən] [ænd] [æpəθı] However, overeating doesn’t bring benefit either. [hauevə] [əuvəri:tıŋ] doesnt [brıŋ] [benıfıt] [aıðə] Excess weight can do even more harm than underweight. [ıkses] [weıt] [kæn] [du:] [i:vən] [mɔ:] [hɑ:m] [ðæn] underweight The reason of it is that a stout person mainly takes heavy and greasy food neglecting completely the rules of healthy nutrition. [ði:] [ri:zn] [ɔv] [ıt] [ız] [ðæt] [ə] [staut] [pə:sn] [meınlı] [teıks] [hevı] [ænd] [gri:zı] [fu:d] [nıglektıŋ] [kəmpli:tlı] [ði:] [ru:ls] [ɔv] [helθı] [nju:trıʃən] Overweight people can’t proud themselves on good health. [əuvəweıt] [pi:pl] [kɑ:nt] [praud] [ðəmselvz] [ɔn] [gud] [helθ] In general they are prone to different kinds of diseases: from heart and vascular diseases up to chronic ones. [ın] [ʤenərəl] [ðeı] [ɑ:] [prəun] [tu:] [dıfrənt] [kaınds] [ɔv] [dızi:zs] [frɔm] [hɑ:t] [ænd] [væskjulə] [dızi:zs] [ʌp] [tu:] [krɔnık] ones
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