Analysis of graph centralities with help of Shapley values

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Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016 Outline Problem statement Centrality

Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016


Problem statement
Centrality measures
Classical centralities
Shapley value

value calculation
Current results and future work
Слайд 3

Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016 Problem statement To identify

Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

Problem statement

To identify key players

and to detect the most powerful participants and groups of participants in a network.
Слайд 4

Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016 Centrality measures (Classical) photo

Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

Centrality measures (Classical)


Degree [Newman 2010]

Eigenvector [Bonacich 1972]
Closeness [Bavelas 1950]
Betweenness [Freeman 1977]
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Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016 Centrality measures (Shapley value)

Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

Centrality measures (Shapley value)



Слайд 6

Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016 Shapley value calculation Exact:

Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

Shapley value calculation

Direct enumeration
Generating functions

[Wilf 1994]
MC-net coalitional games [Ieong & Shoham 2005]

High complexity of calculation

Monte-Carlo simulation [Mann & Shapley 1960]
Multi-linear extension [Owen 1972]
MLE + direct enumeration [Leech 2003]
Random permutations [Zlotkin & Rosenschein 1994]

Слайд 7

Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016 Conclusion Key nodes in

Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016


Key nodes in a network

centrality measures
Classical centrality measures detect different key nodes
Game theory approach – Shapley value
Exact methods
Approximation methods
Random permutations
Слайд 8

Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016 Current results and future

Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016

Current results and future work


Random permutations method (RP)
Capacity function
Random graphs generation
Future work:
Modification of RP
Comparison of RP with classical centrality measures
Application to some real networks
Слайд 9

Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016 References Algaba et. al.:

Higher School of Economics , Moscow, 2016


Algaba et. al.: Computing power

indices in weighted multiple majority
Bavelas A.: Communication patterns in task-oriented groups
Bonacich P.: Technique for Analyzing Overlapping Memberships
Ieong S., Shoham Y.: Marginal contribution nets: A compact representation scheme for coalitional games
Fatima S et al.: N. A linear approximation method for the Shapley value
Freeman L.C.: A set of measures of centrality based upon betweenness
Leech D.: Computing power indices for large voting games
Mann I., Shapley L.S.: Values for large games IV: Evaluating the electoral college by Monte Carlo techniques
Newman M.E.J.: Networks: An Introduction
Owen G.: Multilinear extensions of games
Shapley L.: A value for n-person games
Wilf H.S.: Generating functionology
Zlotkin G., Rosenschein J.: Coalition, cryptography, and stability: mechanisms for coalition formation in task oriented domains