Russian philosophy

Слайд 2

From which country did Kievan Rus accept"cultural relay"? a) The Khazar

From which country did Kievan Rus accept"cultural relay"?
a) The Khazar khanate

с) France
d) the Golden Horde
Слайд 3

Who is the author of the concept« Moscow-The Third Rome"? Vladimir

Who is the author of the concept«
Moscow-The Third Rome"?
Vladimir Monomakh;

Yaroslav the Wise;
Andrey Kurbsky.
Ivan the terrible;
Слайд 4

Centers for the dissemination of culture in Russia: a) first universities

Centers for the dissemination of culture in Russia:
a) first universities

C) princely libraries
d) parochial schools
Слайд 5

That was written by the Metropolitan of Kiev Hilarion? "the Word

That was written by the Metropolitan of Kiev Hilarion?
"the Word

about Igor's regiment"
" Teaching to children»
" Word about law and grace»
Слайд 6

The founder of the Russian materialism: F. Prokopovich M. Lomonosov V. Tatishchev A. Kantemir

The founder of the Russian materialism:
F. Prokopovich
M. Lomonosov
V. Tatishchev

A. Kantemir
Слайд 7

The first major Russian professional philosopher and considered a revolutionary: Radishcheva

The first major Russian professional philosopher and considered a revolutionary:

V. Tatishchev
A. Kantemir
Слайд 8

Author of the novels "Poor people", "Idiot","Demons»: a) F. Dostoevsky b)

Author of the novels "Poor people", "Idiot","Demons»:
a) F. Dostoevsky
b) L.

C) V. Soloviev
d) P. Chaadaev
Слайд 9

Features of Russian philosophy: a) Special attention to the problem of

Features of Russian philosophy:
a) Special attention to the problem of

the meaning of life and ethical issues.
b) Close Alliance with science.
C) Development of the idea of a special spiritual mission of Russia.
d) Rationalism.
F) The Eurocentrism.
Слайд 10

Russian literary classics who has had the greatest influence on the

Russian literary classics who has had the greatest influence on the

formation of Russian idealistic philosophy?
a) L. N. Tolstoy;
b) F. M. Dostoevsky;
C) I. S. Turgenev;
d) A. p. Chekhov
Слайд 11

What, according to L. N. Tolstoy, is the meaning of human

What, according to L. N. Tolstoy, is the meaning of human

in faith in God;
in spiritual attainment
in love; freedom;
in work;
e) in the development of culture.
Слайд 12

Who is the first Russian Marxist? a) N. G. Chernyshevsky; b)

Who is the first Russian Marxist?
a) N. G. Chernyshevsky;

G. V. Plekhanov;
C) P. L. Lavrov;
d) V. I. Lenin.
Слайд 13

What are the principles that made upthe basis of Slavophilism? a)

What are the principles that made upthe
basis of Slavophilism?
a) the

doctrine of unity;
b) passion for language culture;
C) the need for reform;
d) reliance on the rural community;
e) "conciliarity".