Chapter 23 - Part 1 Lecture Outline


Слайд 2

The Respiratory System Respiration is gas exchange: O2 for CO2 Occurs

The Respiratory System

Respiration is gas exchange: O2 for CO2
Occurs between

atmosphere and body cells
Cells need O2 for aerobic ATP production and need to dispose of CO2 that process produces
The respiratory system provides the means for gas exchange
Consists of respiratory passageways in head, neck, and trunk, and the lungs
Слайд 3

Aerobic Cellular Respiration Oxygen Carbon Dioxide ATP

Aerobic Cellular Respiration
Carbon Dioxide


Слайд 4

23.1 Introduction to the Respiratory System State the functions of the

23.1 Introduction to the Respiratory System
State the functions of the respiratory

Distinguish between the structural organization and the functional organization of the respiratory system.
Describe the structure of the mucosa that lines the respiratory tract and the structural changes observed along its length.
Explain the function of mucus produced by the mucosa.

Learning Objectives:

Слайд 5

23.1a General Functions of the Respiratory System Air passageway Air moves

23.1a General Functions of the Respiratory System

Air passageway
Air moves from atmosphere

to alveoli as we breathe in
Air moves from lungs to atmosphere as we breathe out
Site for oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange (alveoli and pulmonary capillaries)
Oxygen diffuses from alveoli into blood
Carbon dioxide diffuses from blood into alveoli
Odor detection
Olfactory receptors in superior nasal cavity
Sensory input is relayed to the brain
Слайд 6

23.1a General Functions of the Respiratory System Sound production Air moves

23.1a General Functions of the Respiratory System
Sound production
Air moves across vocal

cords of the larynx (voice box)
Vocal cords vibrate, producing sound
Sounds resonate in the upper respiratory structures
Rate and depth of breathing influence
Blood levels of O2, CO2, H+
Venous return of blood; lymphatic return of fluid to blood
Слайд 7

23.1b General Organization of the Respiratory System Structural organization Upper respiratory

23.1b General Organization of the Respiratory System

Structural organization
Upper respiratory tract
Larynx and

Lower respiratory tract
Trachea and below
Functional organization
The conducting zone transports air
Nose to terminal bronchioles
The respiratory zone participates in gas exchange
Respiratory bronchioles to alveoli
Слайд 8

Upper Respiratory Tract Nose Nasal cavity Sinuses Pharynx Larynx MRI

Upper Respiratory Tract

Nasal cavity


Слайд 9

Upper Respiratory MRI: Coronal Brain Ethmoid air cells Maxillary sinuses Superior

Upper Respiratory MRI: Coronal


Ethmoid air cells

Maxillary sinuses

Superior nasal concha

Middle nasal concha


nasal concha

Nasal septum

Middle nasal meatus

Inferior nasal meatus



Hard palate

Слайд 10

Lower Respiratory X-ray: Posterior – Anterior View Trachea Bronchial Tree Lungs

Lower Respiratory X-ray: Posterior – Anterior View

Bronchial Tree

Слайд 11

General Anatomy of the Respiratory System Figure 23.1

General Anatomy of the Respiratory System

Figure 23.1

Слайд 12

23.1c Respiratory Mucosa Mucosa = mucous membrane: respiratory lining Epithelium resting

23.1c Respiratory Mucosa

Mucosa = mucous membrane: respiratory lining
Epithelium resting on a

basement membrane
Underlying lamina propria made of areolar connective tissue
Respiratory epithelium
Becomes thinner from the nose to the alveoli
Starts out as pseudostratified ciliated columnar
Changes to simple ciliated columnar
Changes to simple cuboidal
Changes to simple squamous
Exceptions: stratified squamous found in high abrasion areas of pharynx and on and around vocal cords
Слайд 13

Respiratory Mucosa Figure 23.2a

Respiratory Mucosa

Figure 23.2a

Слайд 14

Respiratory Mucosa Figure 23.2b

Respiratory Mucosa

Figure 23.2b

Слайд 15

Respiratory Epithelium High Magnification Respiratory epithelium Cilia Columnar epithelial cells Goblet

Respiratory Epithelium High Magnification

Respiratory epithelium


Columnar epithelial cells

Goblet cells

Basal cells

Basement membrane

Lamina propria

Слайд 16

23.1c Respiratory Mucosa Mucous secretions Produced from secretions of Goblet cells

23.1c Respiratory Mucosa

Mucous secretions
Produced from secretions of
Goblet cells of epithelial lining

and serous glands of the lamina propria
Contain mucin protein
Increases mucus viscosity and serves to trap dust, dirt, pollen, etc.
1 to 7 tablespoons produced daily
Contains defenses against microbes
Lysozyme (antibacterial enzyme)
Defensins (antibacterial proteins)
Immunoglobulin A (antibody)
Called sputum when coughed up with saliva and trapped substances
Слайд 17

What did you learn? What is the difference between the conducting

What did you learn?

What is the difference between the conducting and

respiratory zones?
How does the respiratory mucosa change along its course?
Is the trachea in the upper or lower respiratory tract?
What is sputum?
Слайд 18

23.2 Upper Respiratory Tract Describe the structure and function of the

23.2 Upper Respiratory Tract
Describe the structure and function of the nose.

a general description of the structure and function of the nasal cavity.
Describe the structure and function of the four paired paranasal sinuses.
Compare the three regions of the pharynx, and describe their associated structures.

Learning Objectives:

Слайд 19

23.2a Nose and Nasal Cavity Nose: first conducting structure for inhaled

23.2a Nose and Nasal Cavity

Nose: first conducting structure for inhaled air

by bone, hyaline cartilage, dense irregular connective tissue, and skin
Bridge of nose formed by paired nasal bones
One pair of lateral cartilages and two pairs of alar cartilages
Flared part of nostrils (nares) made of dense irregular connective tissue
Слайд 20

Upper Respiratory Tract Figure 23.3a,b

Upper Respiratory Tract

Figure 23.3a,b

Слайд 21

23.2a Nose and Nasal Cavity Nasal cavity: from nostrils to choanae

23.2a Nose and Nasal Cavity

Nasal cavity: from nostrils to choanae

oblong-shaped internal space
Choanae (posterior nasal apertures) lead to pharynx
Floor formed by palate
Roof made of nasal, frontal, ethmoid, and sphenoid bones plus some cartilage
Nasal septum divides left and right sides
Anterior part is septal nasal cartilage
Posterior part is bony perpendicular plate of ethmoid plate and vomer bone
Слайд 22

Nasal Cavity and Choanae Nares Nasal Cavity Nasal Septum Nasopharynx Soft Palate Uvula Choanae Hard Palate

Nasal Cavity and Choanae


Nasal Cavity

Nasal Septum


Soft Palate



Hard Palate

Слайд 23

Nasal Septum Perpendicular plate of ethmoid Vomer

Nasal Septum

Perpendicular plate of ethmoid


Слайд 24

Nasal Septum Vomer Perpendicular plate Septal nasal cartilage

Nasal Septum


Perpendicular plate

Septal nasal cartilage

Слайд 25

23.2a Nose and Nasal Cavity The nasal conchae Three paired, bony

23.2a Nose and Nasal Cavity

The nasal conchae
Three paired, bony projections on

lateral walls of nasal cavity
Superior, middle, and inferior conchae
Also called turbinate bones
Produce turbulence in inhaled air
Partition the nasal cavity into separate passages
Each passage called a nasal meatus
Each meatus immediately inferior to its corresponding concha
Слайд 26

Nasal vestibule Choana Nasal septum Hard palate Nares Nose Superior nasal

Nasal vestibule


Nasal septum

Hard palate



Superior nasal concha

Middle nasal concha

Inferior nasal concha

Superior nasal


Middle nasal meatus

Inferior nasal meatus

Слайд 27

Nasal Conchae-MRI Superior Middle Inferior Septum

Nasal Conchae-MRI





Слайд 28

23.2a Nose and Nasal Cavity Nasal cavity parts Nasal vestibule: just

23.2a Nose and Nasal Cavity

Nasal cavity parts
Nasal vestibule: just inside nostrils

by skin and particle-trapping hairs called vibrissae
Olfactory region
Superior part of nasal cavity containing olfactory epithelium
Airborne molecules stimulate receptors for odor detection
Respiratory region
Lined by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
Has an extensive vascular network
Nosebleeds (epistaxis) common due to large numbers of superficial vessels
Слайд 29

Olfactory Region 16- Olfactory tract Olfactory bulb Olfactory nerves Olfactory mucosa

Olfactory Region


Olfactory tract

Olfactory bulb

Olfactory nerves

Olfactory mucosa

Слайд 30

Upper Respiratory Tract Figure 23.3c,d

Upper Respiratory Tract

Figure 23.3c,d

Слайд 31

23.2a Nose and Nasal Cavity Nasolacrimal ducts Drain lacrimal secretions from

23.2a Nose and Nasal Cavity

Nasolacrimal ducts
Drain lacrimal secretions from eye surfaces

to nasal cavity
Nasal cavity warms, cleanses, and humidifies
Air is warmed by extensive blood vessels
Mucus traps dust, microbes, and foreign material
Cilia sweep mucous toward the pharynx to be swallowed
Moist environment humidifies
Air turbulence created by conchae enhances all three processes
Слайд 32

Clinical View: Runny Nose Rhinorrhea (runny nose) occurs as a result

Clinical View: Runny Nose

Rhinorrhea (runny nose) occurs as a result of

production of mucus (allergies, virus)
Increased secretions from lacrimal glands draining into the nasal cavity (crying)
Exposure to cold air (water condensation + less effective cilia)
Слайд 33

23.2b Paranasal Sinuses Paranasal sinuses: spaces within skull bones Named for

23.2b Paranasal Sinuses

Paranasal sinuses: spaces within skull bones
Named for specific bone

in which they are housed
All connected by ducts to nasal cavity
From superior to inferior
Frontal sinuses
Ethmoidal sinuses
Sphenoidal sinuses posterior to ethmoidal sinuses
Maxillary sinuses
Слайд 34

Maxillary Frontal Ethmoid Sphenoid Paranasal Sinuses





Paranasal Sinuses

Слайд 35

23.2b Paranasal Sinuses Lined by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium Mucus swept

23.2b Paranasal Sinuses

Lined by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
Mucus swept into

pharynx and swallowed

Figure 23.4

Слайд 36

Paranasal sinuses

Paranasal sinuses

Слайд 37

Clinical View: Sinus Infections and Sinus Headaches Respiratory infection or allergy

Clinical View: Sinus Infections and Sinus Headaches

Respiratory infection or allergy can cause

inflammation of the ducts that drain from the paranasal sinuses.
Drainage of mucus decreases and accumulates in the sinuses.
Germs can grow in the accumulated mucous, causing a sinus infection.
Inflamed and blocked sinuses and pressure changes can cause sinus headaches.
Слайд 38

23.2c Pharynx Pharynx (throat) Funnel-shaped passageway posterior to nasal cavity, oral

23.2c Pharynx

Pharynx (throat)
Funnel-shaped passageway posterior to nasal cavity, oral cavity, and

Lateral walls composed of skeletal muscles
Partitioned into

Figure 23.5a

Слайд 39

Nasopharynx Oropharynx Laryngopharynx Pharynx (throat)




Pharynx (throat)

Слайд 40

Pharynx Oropharynx Nasopharynx Laryngopharynx





Слайд 41

23.2c Pharynx Nasopharynx: most superior part of pharynx Posterior to nasal

23.2c Pharynx

Nasopharynx: most superior part of pharynx
Posterior to nasal cavity, superior

to soft palate
Lined by pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium
An air passage—not for food
Soft palate elevates during swallowing, blocking food or drink
Connects to middle ear via auditory (eustachian) tube
Opening tubes allows equalization of pressure on each side of tympanic membrane
Contains tonsils—infection-fighting lymphatic tissue
Tubal tonsils located near auditory tube opening
Pharyngeal tonsil on posterior nasopharynx wall
Called adenoids when enlarged
Слайд 42

23.2c Pharynx Oropharynx: middle pharyngeal region Posterior to oral cavity Extends

23.2c Pharynx

Oropharynx: middle pharyngeal region
Posterior to oral cavity
Extends from soft palate

to hyoid bone
Passageway for both food and air
Lined by nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Contains tonsils
Palatine tonsils on the lateral walls
Lingual tonsils at base of tongue
Слайд 43

23.2c Pharynx Laryngopharynx: inferior, narrow region of pharynx Posterior to the

23.2c Pharynx

Laryngopharynx: inferior, narrow region of pharynx
Posterior to the larynx
From level

of hyoid down to esophagus
Passageway for both food and air
Lined by nonkeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
Слайд 44

Pharynx Figure 23.5b


Figure 23.5b

Слайд 45

What did you learn? What are vibrissae? Between which conchae is

What did you learn?

What are vibrissae?
Between which conchae is the middle

nasal meatus located?
What is the difference between the lining of the oropharynx and that of the nasopharynx?
In which part of the pharynx are the pharyngeal tonsils located?
Слайд 46

23.3 Lower Respiratory Tract Describe the general functions and structure of

23.3 Lower Respiratory Tract

Describe the general functions and structure of the

Explain how the larynx functions in sound production.
Describe the structure of the trachea.
Explain the structure and function of the tracheal cartilages.
Describe the structural divisions of the bronchial tree.

Learning Objectives:

Слайд 47

23.3 Lower Respiratory Tract (continued) Explain the processes of bronchoconstriction and

23.3 Lower Respiratory Tract (continued)

Explain the processes of bronchoconstriction and bronchodilation.

the structure and function of the components of the respiratory zone.
List three types of cells found in alveoli, and describe the function of each.
Explain the structure of the respiratory membrane.

Learning Objectives:

Слайд 48

23.3 Lower Respiratory Tract Includes conducting pathways from larynx to terminal

23.3 Lower Respiratory Tract

Includes conducting pathways from larynx to terminal bronchioles

structures involved in gas exchange: respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli
Слайд 49

23.3a Larynx Larynx (voice box) Cylindrical airway between laryngopharynx and trachea

23.3a Larynx

Larynx (voice box)
Cylindrical airway between laryngopharynx and trachea
Several functions
Air passageway

(usually open)
Prevents ingested materials from entering respiratory tract
Epiglottis covers superior opening during swallowing
Produces sound for speech
Vocal cords (ligaments) vibrate during expiration
Assists in increasing pressure in the abdominal cavity
Valsalva maneuver: simultaneous closure of laryngeal opening (by the epiglottis) and contraction of abdominal muscles
Increased pressure facilitates urination, defecation, childbirth
Слайд 50

22.3a Larynx Several functions (continued) Participates in sneeze and cough reflexes

22.3a Larynx

Several functions (continued)
Participates in sneeze and cough reflexes
Help remove

irritants from nasal cavity or lower respiratory tract
Abdominal muscles contract increasing thoracic pressure
Vocal cords are forcibly opened by pressure from below
Explosive blast of exhaled air is a cough or sneeze
Слайд 51

Larynx Epiglottis Vocal cords



Vocal cords

Слайд 52



Слайд 53

23.3a Larynx Larynx anatomy Laryngeal inlet (laryngeal aperture) connects pharynx and

23.3a Larynx

Larynx anatomy
Laryngeal inlet (laryngeal aperture) connects pharynx and larynx

formed and supported by nine pieces of cartilage
Cartilages held in place by ligaments and muscles
Single thyroid, cricoid, and epiglottis cartilages
Paired arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform cartilages
Слайд 54

23.3a Larynx Larynx anatomy (continued) Thyroid cartilage: large, shield-shaped Forms lateral

23.3a Larynx

Larynx anatomy (continued)
Thyroid cartilage: large, shield-shaped
Forms lateral and anterior walls

of larynx
Attached to lateral surface of cricoid cartilage
Anterior protrusion is laryngeal prominence, or Adam’s apple
Generally larger in males
Enlarges during puberty; has sharper angle in males
Cricoid cartilage: ring-shaped
Just inferior to thyroid cartilage
Epiglottis: spoon-shaped
Anchored to inner aspect of thyroid cartilage
Projects posterosuperiorly into the pharynx
Closes over laryngeal inlet during swallowing
Слайд 55

23.3a Larynx Larynx anatomy (continued) Smaller, paired cartilages located internally Arytenoid,

23.3a Larynx

Larynx anatomy (continued)
Smaller, paired cartilages located internally
Arytenoid, corniculate, and cuneiform

laryngeal cartilages are made of hyaline cartilage, except the epiglottis, which is made of elastic cartilage
Laryngeal ligaments are extrinsic or intrinsic
Extrinsic ligaments
Attach external surface of larynx to other structures (e.g., hyoid bone)
Intrinsic ligaments are located within the larynx
Include the vocal ligaments and the vestibular ligaments
Слайд 56

Larynx - Anterior Thyroid cartilage Cricoid cartilage Epiglottis Circothyroid ligament Thyrohyoid membrane

Larynx - Anterior

Thyroid cartilage

Cricoid cartilage


Circothyroid ligament

Thyrohyoid membrane

Слайд 57

Larynx - Posterior Laryngeal cartilages Epiglottis Thyroid Cricoid Arytenoid Corniculate

Larynx - Posterior

Laryngeal cartilages






Слайд 58

Larynx Figure 23.6


Figure 23.6

Слайд 59

Larynx - Lateral Epiglottis Thyroid cartilage Vestibular fold Vocal fold

Larynx - Lateral




Vocal fold

Слайд 60

23.3a Larynx Larynx anatomy: ligaments (continued) Vocal ligaments extend between thyroid

23.3a Larynx

Larynx anatomy: ligaments (continued)
Vocal ligaments extend between thyroid and arytenoid

Composed primarily of avascular elastic connective tissue
Covered with mucosa to form the vocal folds (true vocal cords)
Produce sound when air passes between them
Opening between ligaments = rima glottidis
Rima glottidis + vocal folds = glottis
Vestibular ligaments extend from thyroid cartilage to arytenoid and corniculate cartilages (superior to vocal folds)
Covered with mucosa to form the vestibular folds (false vocal cords)
Play no role in sound production
Protect vocal cords
Opening between vestibular folds = rima vestibuli
Слайд 61

Vocal Folds Figure 23.7a

Vocal Folds

Figure 23.7a

Слайд 62

Vocal Folds Figure 23.7b

Vocal Folds

Figure 23.7b

Слайд 63

23.3a Larynx Larynx anatomy (continued) Extrinsic skeletal muscles Stabilize larynx and

23.3a Larynx

Larynx anatomy (continued)
Extrinsic skeletal muscles
Stabilize larynx and help it move

during swallowing
Originate on hyoid bone or sternum; insert on thyroid cartilage
Intrinsic skeletal muscles
Located within larynx
Attach to arytenoid and corniculate cartilages
Contraction results in change in dimension of rima glottidis
Narrowing with adduction; widening with abduction
Involved in voice production and swallowing
Слайд 64

23.3a Larynx Sound production: vocal cord vibration Intrinsic laryngeal muscles narrow

23.3a Larynx

Sound production: vocal cord vibration
Intrinsic laryngeal muscles narrow opening of

rima glottidis
Air is forced past vocal cords during expiration
Range of voice determined by length, thickness of vocal cords
Males have longer and thicker folds, and so deeper voices
Folds increase in length with growth, deepening range
Pitch (frequency) determined by tension on vocal cords
Increased tension = folds vibrate more = higher pitch
Regulated by intrinsic laryngeal muscles
Loudness depends on force of air passing across vocal cords
More air = louder sound
Слайд 65

23.3a Larynx Sound production (continued) Other structures are also necessary for

23.3a Larynx

Sound production (continued)
Other structures are also necessary for speech
Pharynx, nasal

and oral cavities, and paranasal sinuses serve as resonating chambers
Lips, teeth, and tongue help form speech sounds
Слайд 66

Clinical View: Laryngitis Inflammation of the larynx Symptoms of hoarse voice,

Clinical View: Laryngitis

Inflammation of the larynx
Symptoms of hoarse voice, sore throat,

sometimes fever
Caused by bacterial or viral infection, or overuse (yelling)
Severe cases can extend to the epiglottis
May lead to sudden airway obstruction, especially in children
Слайд 67

23.3b Trachea Gross anatomy of trachea (windpipe) Flexible, slightly rigid, tubular

23.3b Trachea

Gross anatomy of trachea (windpipe)
Flexible, slightly rigid, tubular organ
Goes from

larynx to main bronchi
Anterior to esophagus, posterior to part of sternum
About 13 cm long, 2.5 cm in diameter
Tracheal cartilages support anterior and lateral walls
C-shaped rings of hyaline cartilages
Ensheathed in perichondrium and dense fibrous membrane
Ensure trachea is always open
Rings are connected to each other (above and below) by anular ligaments
Слайд 68

23.3b Trachea Gross anatomy of the trachea (continued) Carina: internal ridge

23.3b Trachea

Gross anatomy of the trachea (continued)
Carina: internal ridge at inferior

end of trachea (where it splits) containing many sensory receptors
Initiates cough reflex when irritants are present
Trachealis muscle and ligamentous membrane on trachea’s posterior surface
Connects open ends of C-shaped cartilages
Allow accommodation for esophagus when bulge of food passes
Trachealis contracts during coughing
Tracheotomy: incision in trachea to facilitate breathing
Done when airway is blocked or compromised
Слайд 69

Trachea Carina



Слайд 70

Trachea Figure 23.8a-c


Figure 23.8a-c

Слайд 71

23.3b Trachea Histology of the tracheal wall Layers, inner to outer

23.3b Trachea

Histology of the tracheal wall
Layers, inner to outer
Mucosa: pseudostratified ciliated

columnar epithelium and lamina propria
Submucosa: areolar connective tissue with blood vessels, nerves, serous and mucous glands, lymphatic tissue
Tracheal cartilage
Adventitia: elastic connective tissue

Figure 23.8d

Слайд 72

Trachea Low Magnification Epithelium Lamina propria Submucosa Perichondrium Cartilage

Trachea Low Magnification


Lamina propria




Слайд 73

Trachea High Magnification Tracheal epithelium Cilia Ciliated cells Goblet cells Nuclei

Trachea High Magnification

Tracheal epithelium


Ciliated cells

Goblet cells

Nuclei of basal cells

Basement membrane

Lamina propria


Слайд 74

23.3c Bronchial Tree Bronchial tree: system of highly branched air passages

23.3c Bronchial Tree

Bronchial tree: system of highly branched air passages
Originates at

main bronchi, branches to more narrow tubes
Ends in small bronchiole passageways
Gross anatomy of bronchial tree
Trachea splits into right and left main bronchi (primary bronchi) at level of sternal angle
Each bronchus enters a lung on its medial surface
Right bronchus shorter, wider, and more vertically oriented
Foreign particles more likely to lodge here
Слайд 75

Chest X-ray and Bronchogram

Chest X-ray and Bronchogram

Слайд 76

Trachea and Main (Primary) Bronchi

Trachea and Main (Primary) Bronchi

Слайд 77

23.3c Bronchial Tree Gross anatomy of the bronchial tree (continued) Each

23.3c Bronchial Tree

Gross anatomy of the bronchial tree (continued)
Each main bronchus

branches into lobar bronchi (secondary bronchi)
Each extends into a lobe of the lung
Smaller in diameter than main bronchi
Further divide into segmental bronchi (tertiary bronchi)
Tree continues to divide into smaller passageways
Leads to tubes of <1mm, the bronchioles
Leads to terminal bronchioles (last part of conducting zone)
Leads to respiratory bronchioles (first part of respiratory zone)
Слайд 78

Bronchial Tree Figure 23.9

Bronchial Tree

Figure 23.9

Слайд 79

Clinical View: Bronchitis Inflammation of the bronchi caused by bacterial or

Clinical View: Bronchitis

Inflammation of the bronchi caused by bacterial or viral

infection or inhaled irritants
Acute bronchitis
Occurs during or after an infection
Coughing, sneezing, pain with inhalation, fever
Most cases resolving in 10 to 14 days
Chronic bronchitis
Occurs after long-term irritant exposure
Large amounts of mucus, and cough lasting >3 months
Permanent changes to bronchi occur
Increases likelihood of future bacterial infections
Слайд 80

23.3c Bronchial Tree Histology of the bronchial tree Main bronchi are

23.3c Bronchial Tree

Histology of the bronchial tree
Main bronchi are supported by

incomplete rings of hyaline cartilage (keep them open)
Wall support (cartilage) lessens as bronchi divide
Bronchioles have no cartilage
Have proportionally thicker layer of smooth muscle
Muscle contraction narrows bronchiole diameter
Bronchoconstriction = less air through bronchial tree (less entry of potentially harmful substances)
Muscle relaxation increases bronchiole diameter
Bronchodilation = more air through the bronchial tree
Слайд 81

Structure of the Bronchial Wall Figure 23.10

Structure of the Bronchial Wall

Figure 23.10

Слайд 82

Clinical View: Asthma Episodes of bronchoconstriction, wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath,

Clinical View: Asthma

Episodes of bronchoconstriction, wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and

excess mucus
Asthmatic with sensitivity to airborne agent
Localized immune reaction occurs in bronchi and bronchioles
Walls of the bronchi becoming permanently thickened
Primary treatments
Inhaled steroids
Слайд 83

23.3d Respiratory Zone: Respiratory Bronchioles, Alveolar Ducts, and Alveoli Respiratory zone

23.3d Respiratory Zone: Respiratory Bronchioles, Alveolar Ducts, and Alveoli

Respiratory zone structures are

Respiratory bronchioles subdivide to alveolar ducts
Alveolar ducts lead to alveolar sacs, clusters of alveoli
Alveoli = saccular outpocketings
Respiratory bronchioles lined with simple cuboidal epithelium
Alveoli and alveolar ducts lined by simple squamous
Thinness facilitates gas exchange
Слайд 84

Bronchioles and Alveoli Figure 23.11a

Bronchioles and Alveoli

Figure 23.11a

Слайд 85

23.3d Respiratory Zone: Respiratory Bronchioles, Alveolar Ducts, and Alveoli Alveoli Each

23.3d Respiratory Zone: Respiratory Bronchioles, Alveolar Ducts, and Alveoli

Each lung contains 300

to 400 million
Alveolar pores: openings providing collateral ventilation
Surrounded by pulmonary capillaries
Divided by interalveolar septum
Contain elastic fibers

Figure 23.11c

Слайд 86

23.3d Respiratory Zone: Respiratory Bronchioles, Alveolar Ducts, and Alveoli Cell types

23.3d Respiratory Zone: Respiratory Bronchioles, Alveolar Ducts, and Alveoli

Cell types of alveolar

Simple squamous alveolar type I cells
95% of alveolar surface area
Part of thin barrier separating air from blood
Alveolar type II cells (septal cells)
Secrete oily pulmonary surfactant
Coats inside of alveolus and opposes collapse during expiration
Alveolar macrophage (dust cells)
Leukocytes that engulf microorganisms
Either fixed in alveolar wall or free to migrate
Слайд 87

23.3e Respiratory Membrane The respiratory membrane Thin barrier between alveoli and

23.3e Respiratory Membrane

The respiratory membrane
Thin barrier between alveoli and pulmonary capillaries

Alveolar epithelium and its basement membrane
Capillary epithelium and its basement membrane
Oxygen diffuses from alveolus into capillaries
Erythrocytes become oxygenated
Carbon dioxide diffuses from blood to alveolus
Expired to external environment
Слайд 88

Alveoli and Respiratory Membrane Figure 23.12

Alveoli and Respiratory Membrane

Figure 23.12

Слайд 89

What did you learn? What makes one speech sound have a

What did you learn?

What makes one speech sound have a higher

pitch than another?
How does the structure of tracheal cartilages complement their function?
How do bronchi and bronchioles differ?
What are the differences between Type I and Type II cells in alveoli?
Слайд 90

23.4 Lungs Describe the location and general structure of the lungs.

23.4 Lungs

Describe the location and general structure of the lungs.
Compare and

contrast the right versus left lung.
Distinguish between the two types of blood circulation through the lungs.
Describe the innervation of lung structures by the autonomic nervous system.

Learning Objectives:

Слайд 91

23.4 Lungs (continued) Describe the pleural membranes and pleural cavity. Explain

23.4 Lungs (continued)

Describe the pleural membranes and pleural cavity.
Explain the function

of serous fluid in the pleural cavity.
Explain the anatomic properties that keep the lungs inflated.

Learning Objectives:

Слайд 92

23.4a Gross Anatomy of the Lung Lungs are in thorax on

23.4a Gross Anatomy of the Lung

Lungs are in thorax on either

side of mediastinum
House bronchial tree and all respiratory portions of respiratory system
Each lung has a conical shape
Wide concave base atop diaphragm
Apex (cupula) points superiorly just behind clavicle
Слайд 93

Rt. and Lt. Lungs

Rt. and Lt. Lungs

Слайд 94



Слайд 95

Chest X-ray and Bronchogram

Chest X-ray and Bronchogram

Слайд 96

23.4a Gross Anatomy of the Lung Lung surfaces Costal surface adjacent

23.4a Gross Anatomy of the Lung

Lung surfaces
Costal surface adjacent to ribs

surface adjacent to mediastinum
Diaphragmatic surface adjacent to diaphragm
Indented region on lung’s mediastinal side
Bronchi, pulmonary vessels, autonomic nerves, lymph vessels pass through here
These structures collectively termed the root of the lung
Слайд 97

Position of the Lungs Figure 23.13

Position of the Lungs

Figure 23.13

Слайд 98

23.4a Gross Anatomy of the Lung Right lung is larger and

23.4a Gross Anatomy of the Lung

Right lung is larger and wider

than left lung
Has three lobes divided by two fissures
Horizontal fissure separates superior (upper) lobe from middle lobe
Oblique fissure separates middle lobe from inferior (lower) lobe
Left lung is smaller than right due to heart’s position
Has two lobes divided by one fissure
Oblique fissure separates superior and inferior lobes
Lingula: projection from superior lobe that is homologous to right lung’s middle lobe
Three surface indentations accommodate heart and aorta
Cardiac impression on medial surface
Cardiac notch on anterior surface
Groovelike impression for aorta on medial surface
Слайд 99

Right Lung Superior lobe Middle lobe Inferior lobe Horizontal fissure Oblique fissure

Right Lung

Superior lobe

Middle lobe

Inferior lobe



Слайд 100

Left Lung Oblique fissure Superior lobe Inferior lobe

Left Lung


Superior lobe

Inferior lobe

Слайд 101

Cardiac Impression

Cardiac Impression

Слайд 102

Figure 23.14 Lungs

Figure 23.14


Слайд 103

23.4a Gross Anatomy of the Lung Each lung has multiple bronchopulmonary

23.4a Gross Anatomy of the Lung

Each lung has multiple bronchopulmonary segments

segments in right lung; 8 to 10 in left lung
Autonomous units encapsulated with connective tissues
Each supplied with its own segmental bronchus
Supplied with its own pulmonary artery and vein and lymph vessels
Can be removed individually in cases of disease
Each segment organized into lobules
Each supplied by a terminal bronchiole, arteriole, venule, and lymph vessel
Слайд 104

Bronchopulmonary Segments and Lobules of the Lungs Figure 23.15

Bronchopulmonary Segments and Lobules of the Lungs

Figure 23.15

Слайд 105

Clinical View: Smoking Causes respiratory changes with increased chance of Respiratory

Clinical View: Smoking

Causes respiratory changes with increased chance of
Respiratory infections
Cellular or

genetic changes to the lungs
Cancer of the lungs, esophagus, stomach, and pancreas
Stomach ulcers
Lower birth weight babies in pregnant women
Poor delivery of oxygen and nutrients to all systemic tissues
Bronchitis, asthma, and ear infections from secondhand smoke
Слайд 106

23.4b Circulation to and Innervation of the Lungs Blood supply Two

23.4b Circulation to and Innervation of the Lungs

Blood supply
Two types of

circulation in the lungs
Pulmonary circulation
Bronchial circulation
Pulmonary circulation replenishes O2, eliminates CO2
Pulmonary arteries carry deoxygenated blood to pulmonary capillaries
Blood is reoxygenated
Blood enters pulmonary venules and veins, returns to left atrium
Слайд 107

Pulmonary Circulation Pulmonary trunk Lt. Pulmonary artery Lt. Lung Lt. Pulmonary

Pulmonary Circulation

Pulmonary trunk

Lt. Pulmonary artery

Lt. Lung

Lt. Pulmonary veins

Rt. Pulmonary veins

Lt. Atrium

Слайд 108

23.4b Circulation to and Innervation of the Lungs Blood supply (continued)

23.4b Circulation to and Innervation of the Lungs

Blood supply (continued)
Bronchial circulation

transports oxygenated blood to tissues of lungs
Bronchial arteries (3 or 4) branch off descending aorta
Bronchial veins collect venous blood
Some drains into the pulmonary veins
Слайд 109

Pulmonary Circulation of the Lungs Figure 23.16

Pulmonary Circulation of the Lungs

Figure 23.16

Слайд 110

Clinical Views: Lung Cancer Highly aggressive malignancy with early metastasis Originates

Clinical Views: Lung Cancer

Highly aggressive malignancy with early metastasis
Originates in respiratory

Caused by smoking in 85% of cases
Symptoms of chronic cough, coughing up blood, excess pulmonary mucus, increased pulmonary infections
Three basic patterns
Squamous cell carcinoma
Most common; arises from pseudostratified columnar epithelium; changes to stratified squamous to withstand chronic injury
Arises from mucin-producing glands
Small-cell carcinoma
Originates from neuroendocrine cells in the bronchi
Слайд 111

23.4b Circulation to and Innervation of the Lungs Lymph drainage Lymph

23.4b Circulation to and Innervation of the Lungs

Lymph drainage
Lymph vessels and

nodes located:
Within lung’s connective tissue
Around bronchi
In pleura
Important in removing excess fluid from the lungs
Lymph filtered through lymph nodes
Collects particles and pollutants not removed by cilia
Слайд 112

23.4b Circulation to and Innervation of the Lungs Innervation of the

23.4b Circulation to and Innervation of the Lungs

Innervation of the respiratory

Autonomic nervous system innervates smooth muscles and glands of respiratory structures
Sympathetic input from T1–T5 generally causes bronchodilation
Parasympathetic from vagus causes bronchoconstriction
Sends signals to larynx from vagus nerve
Слайд 113

23.4c Pleura Membranes and Pleural Cavity Pleura: serous membrane Outer lining

23.4c Pleura Membranes and Pleural Cavity

Pleura: serous membrane
Outer lining of lung

surfaces and adjacent thoracic wall
Composed of simple squamous epithelium
Visceral pleura adheres to lung surface
Parietal pleura lines
Internal thoracic walls
Lateral surface of mediastinum
Superior surface of diaphragm
Each lung enclosed in a separate visceral pleural membrane
Helps limit spread of infections
Слайд 114

Pleura Membranes Visceral pleura Parietal pleura Pleural cavity

Pleura Membranes

Visceral pleura

Parietal pleura

Pleural cavity

Слайд 115

Parietal and Visceral Pleurae

Parietal and Visceral Pleurae

Слайд 116

23.4c Pleura Membranes and Pleural Cavity Pleural cavity Located between visceral

23.4c Pleura Membranes and Pleural Cavity

Pleural cavity
Located between visceral and parietal

serous membranes
When lungs are inflated, considered a potential space
Visceral and parietal layers almost touching
Serous fluid produced by serous membranes
Covers pleural cavity surface
Lubricates, allowing pleural surfaces to slide by easily
Each pleural cavity has <15 mL fluid
Drained continuously by lymph
Слайд 117

Clinical View: Pleurisy and Pleural Effusion Pleurisy = inflammation of the

Clinical View: Pleurisy and Pleural Effusion

Pleurisy = inflammation of the pleural

Severe chest pain with breathing
Inflamed membranes with increased friction between visceral and parietal pleura
Usually only one side affected
Pleural effusion = excess fluid in the pleural cavity
Can cause shortness of breath and chest pain
Potential causes
Systemic factors: failure of the left side of the heart, pulmonary embolism, cirrhosis of the liver
Lung infections or lung cancer
Слайд 118

23.4d How Lungs Remain Inflated Intrapleural pressure (between membranes) is low

23.4d How Lungs Remain Inflated

Intrapleural pressure (between membranes) is low
Chest wall

configured to expand outward
Lungs cling to chest wall due to serous fluid’s surface tension
Elastic tissue of lungs pulls inward
Because intrapulmonary pressure (in alveoli) is greater than intrapulmonary pressure, lungs remain inflated
Слайд 119

Pleural Membranes and Pressures Associated with Lungs Figure 23.17

Pleural Membranes and Pressures Associated with Lungs

Figure 23.17

Слайд 120

Clinical Views: Pneumothorax and Atelectasis Pneumothorax = free air in the

Clinical Views: Pneumothorax and Atelectasis

Pneumothorax = free air in the pleural

Air introduced externally—penetrating wound to the chest
Air introduced internally—rib lacerates lung or alveolus ruptures
May cause intrapleural and intrapulmonary pressures to equalize
Small pneumothorax resolves spontaneously
Large pneumothorax is a medical emergency
Need to insert a tube into the pleural space to remove air
Atelectasis = deflated lung portion
Occurs if intrapleural and intrapulmonary pressures equalize
Remains collapsed until air removed from pleural space