Mathematics for еconomists. (Week 1-12)

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Mathematics for Economists II Week #12 Review Predator-prey relationships Solving simultaneous

Mathematics for Economists II Week #12

Predator-prey relationships
Solving simultaneous first order differential equations

states and their stability
Phase portraits of systems
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Week 1: Sets: Unions, intersections, Venn Diagrams Functions: Definition, notation, types

Week 1: Sets: Unions, intersections, Venn Diagrams Functions: Definition, notation, types Slopes Linear programming Week 2: Derivative

as a limit Power rule, chain rule, product rule f'(x), slope, f''(x), concavity exponential functions, natural logs, TVM
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Weeks 3 and 4: Solve simultaneous equations Writing equations in matrix

Weeks 3 and 4: Solve simultaneous equations Writing equations in matrix form: Ax

= B Rules for adding, subtracting, multiplying matrices Identity matrix: Iij=1 if i=j, and 0 if i≠j Rank (How many "leading ones"?) Row operations Transposed matrices Calculating determinants Testing for invertibility and calculating A-1 Cramer's Rule Eigenvalues
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Weeks 3 and 4: Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors!

Weeks 3 and 4: Eigenvalues

and Eigenvectors!

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and Eigenvectors!


and Eigenvectors!

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and Eigenvectors!


and Eigenvectors!

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Week 5: Taylor/Maclaurin series Week 6: Quadratics in matrix form Positive/negative

Week 5: Taylor/Maclaurin series Week 6: Quadratics in matrix form Positive/negative definite, positive/negative semidefinite, indefinite

matrices Week 8: Unconstrained optimization The Hessian matrix Determining max/min from the Hessian definiteness
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Week 9: The Lagrange multiplier Using multiple multipliers for multiple constraints

Week 9: The Lagrange multiplier Using multiple multipliers for multiple constraints Week 10: Kuhn-Tucker inequality

constrained optimization Jacobian matrix and bordered Hessian Week 11: Ordinary differential equations Integrating factors Separable differential equations
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Mathematics for Economists II Week #12 Review Predator-prey relationships Solving simultaneous

Mathematics for Economists II Week #12

Predator-prey relationships
Solving simultaneous first order differential equations

states and their stability
Phase portraits of systems
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Mathematics for Economists II Week #12 Review Predator-prey relationships Solving simultaneous

Mathematics for Economists II Week #12

Predator-prey relationships
Solving simultaneous first order differential equations

states and their stability
Phase portraits of systems
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Mathematics for Economists II Week #12 Review Predator-prey relationships Solving simultaneous

Mathematics for Economists II Week #12

Predator-prey relationships
Solving simultaneous first order differential equations

states and their stability
Phase portraits of systems
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Mathematics for Economists II Week #12 Review Predator-prey relationships Solving simultaneous

Mathematics for Economists II Week #12

Predator-prey relationships
Solving simultaneous first order differential equations

states and their stability
Phase portraits of systems
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