Rescaling, sum and difference of random variables. (Lecture 4)

Слайд 2

Change of scale Inch to centimeter: cm= inch times 2.54 pound

Change of scale Inch to centimeter: cm= inch times 2.54 pound to kilogram:

kg=lb times 2.2 Fahrenheit to Celsius oC= ( oF-32)/1.8

Y= X+a
E Y = E X + a
SD (Y) = SD (X) ; SD(a) =0
Y= c X
E Y = c E X
SD (Y)= |c| SD(X); Var (Y)= c2Var (X)
Y=cX + a
EY= c E X + a
SD (Y) =| c| SD (X); Var (Y)= c2 Var(X)
Var X= E (X-μ)2= E X2 - (EX)2 (where μ= E X)

Слайд 3

BOX A x y=x+a 10 7 a= -3 E X =10






a= -3

E X =10

Слайд 4

Two Boxes A and B ; independence Independence means that neither

Two Boxes A and B ; independence

Independence means that neither positive

nor negative dependence; any combination of draws are equally possible

Positive dependence means large values in Box A tend to associate with large values in Box B

Negative dependence means large values in Box A tend to associate with small values in Box B

Слайд 5

E (X+ Y) = E X + E Y; always holds

E (X+ Y) = E X + E Y; always holds

( X Y) = ( E X ) ( EY) ; holds under independence assumption (show this! Next)
Without independence assumption E(XY) is in general not equal to EX times EY ; it holds under a weaker form of independence called “uncorrelatedness” (to be discussed )
Слайд 6

Combination Var (a X + b Y) = a2 Var X


Var (a X + b Y) = a2 Var X

+ b2 Var Y if X and Y are independent
Var (X-Y) = Var X + Var Y
Application : average of two independent measurement is more accurate than one measurement : a 50% reduction in variance
Application : difference for normal distribution
Слайд 7

x: 2, 3, 4, 5 y: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13,

x: 2, 3, 4, 5

y: 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15

(2,5) (2,7) (2, 9) (2, 11) (2,13) (2,15)

(3,5) (3,7) (3, 9) (3, 11) (3,13) (3,15)

(4,5) (4,7) (4, 9) (4, 11) (4,13) (4,15)

(5,5) (5,7) (5, 9) (5, 11) (5,13) (5,15)

= 2 (sum of y)

= 3 (sum of y)

Total of product = (sum of x) times (sum of y)

Product of x and y

All combinations equally likely

E (XY) = E (X) E (Y)

Divided by 24 =4 times 6

= 5 (sum of y)

= 4 (sum of y)

E X = sum of x divided by 4

EY= sum of y divided by 6

Слайд 8

Example Phone call charge : 40 cents per minute plus a


Phone call charge : 40 cents per minute plus
a fixed connection

fee of 50 cents
Length of a call is random with mean 2.5 minutes and a standard deviation of 1 minute.
What is the mean and standard deviation of
the distribution of phone call charges ?
What is the probability that a phone call costs
more than 2 dollars?
What is the probability that two independent phone calls in total cost more than 4 dollars?
What is the probability that the second phone call costs more than the first one by least 1 dollar?
Слайд 9

Example Stock A and Stock B Current price : both the


Stock A and Stock B
Current price : both the same,

$10 per share
Predicted performance a week later: same
Both following a normal distribution with
Mean $10.0 and SD $1.0
You have twenty dollars to invest
Option 1 : buy 2 shares of A portfolio mean=?, SD=?
Option 2 : buy one share of A and one share of B
Which one is better? Why?