Theory without practice is empty, practice without theory is blind


Слайд 2

One practical task: image matching - How to find correspondence between

One practical task: image matching

- How to find correspondence between pixels

of two images of the same scene?
Слайд 3

Simplest approach: correlation Slightly more advanced: cross-correlation function calculated via Fourier Transform Least squares error Correlation

Simplest approach: correlation

Slightly more advanced: cross-correlation function calculated via Fourier Transform


squares error


Слайд 4

Fourier-Mellin Transform Amplitude spectrum Log-polar transform Cross-corr. Via Fourier Find scale/

Fourier-Mellin Transform

Amplitude spectrum
Log-polar transform
Cross-corr. Via Fourier
Find scale/ rotation
Compensate scale/ rotation
Cross.corr. to

find shifts
Слайд 5

Block Matching: Local displacement extension Take local fragments around different points

Block Matching: Local displacement extension

Take local fragments around different points of

pre-aligned images
Match them by correlation
Construct local displacement field
Слайд 6

Resulting displacement field General solution for aerospace image matching!?

Resulting displacement field

General solution for aerospace image matching!?

Слайд 7

However… Optical image SAR image Cross-correlation field Many applications require matching


Optical image

SAR image

Cross-correlation field

Many applications require matching images of different modalities



Digital map


Слайд 8

Criterion: Mutual Information No correlation => No mutual information => Mutual

Criterion: Mutual Information

No correlation =>

No mutual information =>

Mutual information

Cross correlation: degraded


Mutual information: Ideal maximum

Unfortunately, it’s difficult to compute and not applicable to vector maps

Viola P.A. Alignment by Maximization of Mutual Information: PhD thesis, MIT, Cambridge, Massachusetts. 1995. 156 p.

Слайд 9

Invariant structural descriptions Image Contours Structural elements

Invariant structural descriptions



Structural elements

Слайд 10

Structural matching 1 2 5 2 5 1 2 3 5

Structural matching






























Слайд 11

More questions… How to estimate quality of structural correspondence? How to

More questions…

How to estimate quality of structural correspondence?
How to choose the

group of transformations if it is not known?
How to construct contours and structural elements optimally?
How to choose the most adequate number of contours and structural elements?
Are precision criteria such as mean square error suitable? Or have they the same shortcomings as correlation?
Слайд 12

MSE criterion: oversegmentation More precise Over-segmentation! Each region is described by

MSE criterion: oversegmentation

More precise


Each region is described by average value

Correct, but

not the most precise description!
Слайд 13

Functional approximation New point Worst prediction! Best precision

Functional approximation

New point

Worst prediction!

Best precision

Слайд 14

Information-theoretic criterion Again, criteria from information theory help: Mutual information can

Information-theoretic criterion

Again, criteria from information theory help:
Mutual information can be

extended for the task of matching structural elements
In general, the minimum description length can be used for model selection

The best model is the model that minimizes the sum
the description length (in bits) of the model,
the description length (in bits) of data encrypted with help of the model (deviation of data from model).

Слайд 15

Connection to Bayes’ rule Bayes rule: Posterior probability: P(H | D)

Connection to Bayes’ rule

Bayes rule:

Posterior probability: P(H | D)

probability: P(H)
Likelihood: P(D | H)

The description length of the model: –log P(H)
The description length of data encrypted with the help of the model: –log P(D | H)

Слайд 16

Application to function approximation l(H) K(D|H) Too simple model Too complex

Application to function approximation

l(H) K(D|H)

Too simple model

Too complex model

The best

model is chosen as trade-off between precision and complexity
Слайд 17

Application to image segmentation Ngr=300; DL=4,5e+5 Ngr=100; DL=3,8e+5 Ngr=37; DL=3,7e+5 Ngr=7; DL=3,9e+5 Initial image

Application to image segmentation

Ngr=300; DL=4,5e+5

Ngr=100; DL=3,8e+5

Ngr=37; DL=3,7e+5

Ngr=7; DL=3,9e+5

Initial image

Слайд 18

Contour segmentation MDL Images Extracted contours MSE-approximation with high threshold on

Contour segmentation



Extracted contours

MSE-approximation with high threshold on dispersion

MSE-approximation with low threshold

on dispersion
Слайд 19

Full solution of invariant image matching Winter image Spring image Potapov

Full solution of invariant image matching

Winter image

Spring image

Potapov A.S. Image matching

with the use of the minimum description length approach // Proc. SPIE. 2004. Vol. 5426. P. 164–175.
Слайд 20

Successful matching

Successful matching

Слайд 21

More applications of MDL Correct separation into clusters for keypoint matching

More applications of MDL

Correct separation into clusters for keypoint matching in

dynamic scenes

Essential for correct estimation of a dynamic scene structure



A.N. Averkin, I.P. Gurov, M.V. Peterson, A.S. Potapov. Spectral-Differential Feature Matching and Clustering for Multi-body Motion Estimation // Proc. MVA2011 IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications. 2011. June 13-15, Nara, Japan. P. 173–176.

Слайд 22

Pattern recognition, etc.: Support-vector machines; Discrimination functions; Gaussian mixtures; Decision forests;

Pattern recognition, etc.:
Support-vector machines;
Discrimination functions;
Gaussian mixtures;
Decision forests;
ICA (as a particular

case of MDL)

Image analysis
Object recognition and image matching;
Optical flow estimation;
Structural description of images;
Changes detection;

Learning in symbolic domains, etc.

Various applications of MDL

Слайд 23

But wait… what about theory? MDL principle is used loosely Description

But wait… what about theory?

MDL principle is used loosely
Description lengths

are calculated within heuristically defined coding schemes
Success of a method is highly determined by the utilized coding scheme
Is there some theory that overcomes this arbitrariness?
Слайд 24

The theory behind MDL Algorithmic information theory U – universal Turing

The theory behind MDL

Algorithmic information theory

U – universal Turing

K – Kolmogorov complexity,
l(H) – length of program H
H * – best description/model of data D

Two-part coding:

UTM defines the universal model space


if H is probabilistic program

if full model is separated into two parts

Слайд 25

Universal prediction Solomonoff’s algorithmic probabilities Prior probability Predictive probability Universal distribution

Universal prediction

Solomonoff’s algorithmic probabilities
Prior probability
Predictive probability
Universal distribution of prior

probabilities dominates (with multiplicative factor) over any other distribution
Bayesian prediction with the use of these priors converges in limit with prediction based on usage of true distribution

Solomonoff, R.: Algorithmic Probability, Heuristic Programming and AGI. In: Baum, E., Hutter, M., Kitzelmann, E. (eds). Advances in Intelligent Systems Research, vol. 10 (proc. 3rd Conf. on Artificial General Intelligence), pp. 151–157 (2010).

Слайд 26

Universality of the algorithmic space 3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944

Universality of the algorithmic space

3.1415926535 8979323846 2643383279 5028841971 6939937510 5820974944

5923078164 0628620899 8628034825 3421170679 8214808651 3282306647 0938446095 5058223172 5359408128 4811174502 8410270193 8521105559 6446229489 5493038196 4428810975 6659334461 2847564823 3786783165 2712019091 4564856692 3460348610 4543266482 1339360726 0249141273 7245870066 0631558817 4881520920 9628292540 9171536436 7892590360 0113305305 4882046652 1384146951 9415116094 3305727036 5759591953 0921861173 8193261179 3105118548 0744623799 6274956735 1885752724 8912279381 8301194912 9833673362 4406566430 8602139494 6395224737 1907021798 6094370277 0539217176 2931767523 8467481846 7669405132 0005681271 4526356082 7785771342 7577896091 7363717872 1468440901 2249534301 4654958537 1050792279 6892589235 4201995611 2129021960 8640344181 5981362977 4771309960 5187072113 4999999 ………

int a=10000,b,c=8400,d,e,f[8401],g;
main() {for(;b-c;)f[b++]=a/5;
for(;d=0,g=c*2;c-=14, printf("%.4d",e+d/a),e=d%a)

By D.T. Winter

Слайд 27

Grue Emerald Paradox Hypothesis No. 1: all emeralds are green Hypothesis

Grue Emerald Paradox

Hypothesis No. 1: all emeralds are green

No. 2: all emeralds are greu
(that is green before 2050, and blue after this time)
Likelihood of observation data equals
How can we calculate prior probabilities of these two hypotheses?

Is it possible to ground prior probabilities?

Probability theory allows to deduce one probability from another. But what are the initial probabilities?
Universal priors work

Solomonoff R. Does Algorithmic Probability Solve the Problem of Induction? // Oxbridge Research, P.O.B. 391887, Cambridge, Mass. 02139. 1997.

Слайд 28

Methodological usefulness Theory of universal induction answers the questions What is

Methodological usefulness

Theory of universal induction answers the questions
What is

the source of overlearning/ overfitting/ oversegmentation, etc.
Why is any new narrow learning method “yet another classifier”
Why are feed forwards neural networks not really “universal approximators”
And at the same time, why is “no free lunch theorem” not true
Слайд 29

Gap between universal and pragmatic methods Universal methods can work in

Gap between universal and pragmatic methods

Universal methods
can work in

arbitrary computable environment
incomputable or computationally infeasible
approximations are either inefficient or not universal
Practical methods
work in non-toy environments
set of environments is highly restricted
=> Bridging this gap is necessary
Слайд 30

Choice of the reference UTM Unbiased AGI cannot be practical and

Choice of the reference UTM

Unbiased AGI cannot be practical and efficient

of the algorithmic probabilities on the choice of UTM appears to be very useful in order to put any prior information and to reduce necessary amount of training data
UTM contains prior information
=> UTM can be optimized to account for posterior information
Слайд 31

Limitations of narrow methods Brightness segmentation can fail even with the MDL criterion Essentially incorrect segments

Limitations of narrow methods

Brightness segmentation can fail even with the

MDL criterion

Essentially incorrect segments

Слайд 32

More complex models… Image is described as a set of independent

More complex models…

Image is described as a set of independent and

identically distributed samples of random variable (no segmentation).
Image is divided into regions; brightness values described independently within each region.
Second order functions are fit in each region, and brightness residuals are described as iid random variables.
Mixes of Gabor functions are used as regression models.
Слайд 33

Comparison Images Brightness entropy Regression models Potapov A.S., Malyshev I.A., Puysha



Brightness entropy

Regression models

Potapov A.S., Malyshev I.A., Puysha A.E., Averkin A.N. New

paradigm of learnable computer vision algorithms based on the representational MDL principle // Proc. SPIE. 2010. V. 7696. P. 769606.
Слайд 34

Classes of image representations* Low level (functional) representations Raw features (pixel

Classes of image representations*

Low level (functional) representations

Raw features (pixel level)

Segmentation models

(contours and regions)

Structural descriptions (line segments, arcs, ellipses, corners, blobs)



Composite structural elements


*Marr, D.: Vision: A Computational Investigation into the Human Representation and Processing of Visual Information. MIT Press (1982).

Слайд 35

Example: image matching Low level representations Contour descriptions Structural descriptions Feature

Example: image matching

Low level representations

Contour descriptions

Structural descriptions

Feature sets

Key points

Composite structural elements



Correlation-based methods

Maximization of mutual information

Invariant moments

Distance transform

Pattern recognition

Tree search

Formal grammars

Hough transform

Graph-theoretic methods

Decision trees

Rule bases

Logic inference

Слайд 36

But again… what about theory? MDL principle is used loosely Description

But again… what about theory?

MDL principle is used loosely
Description lengths

are calculated within heuristically defined coding schemes
Success of a method is highly determined by the utilized coding scheme
In computer vision and machine learning, some representation is used in every method
But how to construct the best representation?
Representations correspond to ‘coding schemes’ in MDL applications. They should also be constructed on the base of strict criterion
But from what space and how?
Слайд 37

Polynomial decision function %(learn)=11.1 %(test)=5.4 L = 31.2 bit Np=4 %(learn)=2.8

Polynomial decision function

L = 31.2 bit

L = 30.9 bit

L = 41.4


L = 62.0 bit

No outliers

Worst generalization!

Слайд 38

Choosing between mixtures with different number of components and restrictions laid

Choosing between mixtures with different number of components and restrictions laid

on the covariance matrix of normal distribution




1 2 3

2 3 4

2 3 4

Слайд 39

Again, heuristic coding schemes Let’s switch back to theory

Again, heuristic coding schemes

Let’s switch back to theory

Слайд 40

Universal Mass Induction Let be the set of strings An universal

Universal Mass Induction

Let be the set of strings

An universal method cannot

be applied to mass problems since typically

where K is Kolmogorov complexity on universal machine U

However, can hold

One can search for models

within some best representation

for each xi independently

Potapov, A., Rodionov, S.: Extending Universal Intelligence Models with Formal Notion of Representation. In: J. Bach, B. Goertzel, M. Iklé (Eds.): AGI’12, LNAI 7716, pp. 242–251 (2012).

Слайд 41

Representational MDL principle Definition Let representation for the set of data

Representational MDL principle


Let representation for the set of data entities

be such the program S for UTM U that for any data entity D the description H exists that U(SH)=D.

Representational MDL principle

The best image description has minimum length within given representation
The best image representation minimizes summed description length of images from the given training set (and the length of representation itself).
Main advantage: applicable to any type of representation; representation is included into general criterion as a parameter.

For example, image analysis tasks are mass problems: the same algorithm is applied to different images (or patterns) independently.

Potapov A.S. Principle of Representational Minimum Description Length in Image Analysis and Pattern Recognition // Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis. 2012. V. 22. No. 1. P. 82–91.

Слайд 42

Possible usage of RMDL Synthetic pattern recognition methods*: Automatic selection among

Possible usage of RMDL

Synthetic pattern recognition methods*:
Automatic selection among different pattern

recognition methods
Selecting a representation that better fits the training sample from a specific domain either from a family of representations or from a fixed set of hand-crafted representations
Improve data analysis methods for specific representations

* Potapov A.S. Synthetic pattern recognition methods based on the representational minimum description length principle // Proc. OSAV'2008. 2008. P. 354–362.

Слайд 43

RMDL for optimizing ANN formalisms x3(t) w x2(t) q 1 x'(t)=1/x(t)

RMDL for optimizing ANN formalisms









Considered extension of ANN representation

Potapov A.,

Peterson M. A Representational MDL Framework for Improving Learning Power of Neural Network Formalisms // IFIP AICT 381. Springer, 2012. P. 68–77.
Слайд 44

RMDL for optimizing ANN formalisms Experiments: Wolf annual sunspot time series

RMDL for optimizing ANN formalisms

Experiments: Wolf annual sunspot time series

Precision of forecasting depends on type of nonlinearity
ANN with 4 neurons, 11 connections, and 2 second-order connections: MSE=220 (typical MSE: 214–625*)
Слайд 45

RMDL for optimizing ANN formalisms Although we obtained an agreement between

RMDL for optimizing ANN formalisms

Although we obtained an agreement between the

short-term prediction precision and the RMDL criterion in average, one can agree with the statement: “MSE and NMSE are not very good measures of how well the model captures the dynamics”

Test: Financial time series

Слайд 46

OCT image segmentation Imprecise description within trivial representation Description within simple

OCT image segmentation

Imprecise description within trivial representation

Description within simple representation

More precise

description within more complex representation

Gurov I., Potapov A. Investigation of OCT Images Descriptions on the Base of Representational MDL Principle // Proc. MVA2009 IAPR Conference on Machine Vision Applications. P. 320–323.

Слайд 47

Segmentation results Description length, bits S-0: 212204 S-1: 184672 S-2: 175096

Segmentation results

Description length, bits
S-0: 212204
S-1: 184672
S-2: 175096

Description length, bits
S-0: 231201
S-1: 212268


Description length, bits
S-0: 235566
S-1: 219641
S-2: 215066

Description length, bits
S-0: 236421
S-1: 213015
S-2: 206204

S-1: oversegmentation
S-2: correct detection of layers

S-1 and S-2 are almost the same (and plausible) detection of thin layers

Differing segmentation results for a single thick layer (light absorption with depth causes regular reduction of brightness). Some inclusions are not detected.

S-1: odd layer is detected and inclusion is missed
S-2: plausible results of segmentation

Слайд 48

Application to image feature learning Training set with preliminarily matched key

Application to image feature learning

Training set with preliminarily matched key

points using predefined hand-crafted feature transform

Example of some found linear feature transforms

Example of some feature transforms for another environment

Слайд 49

Results Matching with predefined hand-crafted feature transform Matching with learned (environment-specific)


Matching with predefined hand-crafted feature transform

Matching with learned (environment-specific)

feature transform

~50% of failures with predefined features were matched successfully with learned features (new images of the same environment were used)

Слайд 50

Analysis of hierarchical representations Pixel level Contour level Level of structural

Analysis of hierarchical representations

Pixel level

Contour level

Level of
structural elements

Level of groups of

Слайд 51

Adaptive resonance Image 1st level description 2nd level description 3rd level

Adaptive resonance


1st level description

2nd level description

3rd level description

4th level


Potapov A.S. Theoretico-informational approach to the introduction of feedback into multilevel machine-vision systems // Journal of Optical Technology. 2007. Vol. 74. Iss. 10. P. 694–699.

Слайд 52

Implications Independent optimi-zation of descriptions Usage of integral description length Without resonance


Independent optimi-zation of descriptions

Usage of integral description length

Without resonance

Слайд 53

Adaptive resonance: matching as construction of common description Initial structural elements

Adaptive resonance: matching as construction of common description

Initial structural elements of

the first image

Initial structural elements of the second image

Fixed structural descriptions: same for both images

These descriptions slightly less precise, but w.r.t. images, but only one of them can be used instead of two

Слайд 54

Learning representations Very difficult problem in Turing-complete settings Successful methods use

Learning representations

Very difficult problem in Turing-complete settings
Successful methods use

efficient search and restricted families of representations
Deep learning
Not universal
Compact (one-level ANNs should be exponentially larger than multi-level ANNs to represent some concepts => particular case of RMDL)
Higher expressive power or more efficient search than those of former methods
Слайд 55

What is still missing? The MDL principle The RMDL principle ???

What is still missing?

The MDL principle

The RMDL principle


Kolmogorov complexity

Heuristic criteria

Reference machines



Efficient search

Universal search



Слайд 56

Key Idea Humans create narrow methods, which efficiently solve arbitrary recurring

Key Idea

Humans create narrow methods, which efficiently solve arbitrary recurring

Generality should be achieved not by a single uniform method solving any problem in the same fashion, but by automatic construction of (non-universal) efficient methods
Program specialization is the appropriate concept*, which relates general and narrow intelligence methods
However, no analysis of possible specialization of concrete models of universal intelligence has been given yet.

* Khudobakhshov, V.: Metacomputations and Program-based Knowledge Representation. In:K.-U. Kühnberger, S. Rudolph, P. Wang (Eds.): AGI’13, LNAI 7999, pp. 70–77 (2013).

Слайд 57

Program Specialization specR(pL, x0) is the result of deep transformation of

Program Specialization

specR(pL, x0) is the result of deep transformation of pL

that can be much more efficient than p(x0, .)

Let pL(x,y) be some program (in some language L) with two arguments
Specializer specR is such program (in some language R) accepting pL and x0 that

Futamura-Turchin projections

Слайд 58

Specialization of Universal Induction MSearch(S, x) is executed for different x

Specialization of Universal Induction

MSearch(S, x) is executed for different x with

same S
This search cannot be non-exhaustive for any S, but it can be efficient for some of them
One can consider computationally efficient projection spec(MSearch, S):

Universal mass induction consists of two procedures

Search for models

Search for representations

Potapov A., Rodionov S. Making Universal Induction Efficient by Specialization // B. Goertzel et al. (Eds.): AGI 2014. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence. 2014. V. 8598. P. 133–142.

Слайд 59

Approach to Specialization Direct specialization of MSearch(S, x) w.r.t. some given

Approach to Specialization

Direct specialization of MSearch(S, x) w.r.t. some given S*

general techniques for exponential speedup exists
And how to get S? RSearch is still needed
Find S'=spec(MSearch(S, x), S*) simultaneously with S*
Main properties of S, S':

S is a generative representation (decoding)
S' is a descriptive representation (encoding)
S' is also the result of specialization of the search for generative models, so in general it can include some sort of optimized search
Simultaneous search for S and S' will be referred to as SS'-search

Слайд 60

Conclusion Attempts to build more powerful practical methods leaded us to


Attempts to build more powerful practical methods leaded

us to utilization of the MDL principle that was heuristically applied for solving many tasks
The MDL principle is very useful tool for introducing model selection criteria free from overfitting in the tasks of image analysis and pattern recognition
We introduced the representational MDL principle to bridge the gap between universal induction and practical methods and used it to extend practical methods
The remaining difference between universal and practical methods is in search algorithms. Specialization of universal search is necessary to automatically produce efficient methods