Презентации по Английскому языку

Обучение фонетике английского языка
Обучение фонетике английского языка
План лекции 1. Роль произношения 2. Гос. заказ и требования стандарта 3. Особенности английского произношения 4. Основные термины 5. Трудности в обучении произношению 6. Подходы к обучению фонетике иностранного языка 7. Обучение интонации 8. Этапы формирования фонетических навыков 9. Фонетический материал 10. Упражнения на формирование слухо-произносительных и ритмико-интонационных навыков 11. Система оценивания уровня сформированности фонетических навыков 1. Роль произношения Произношение является базовой характеристикой речи, основой для развития и совершенствования всех остальных навыков иноязычного говорения Корректное произношение предполагает… Сформированность слухо-произносительных навыков является условием … Анализаторы: речемоторный, …
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The World war i: monuments and memorials in the commonwealth of nations
The World war i: monuments and memorials in the commonwealth of nations
The Background… The Great War of 1914-1918 was so terrible and inflicted such large numbers of casualties on all sides that when it was over it was believed by many to be “The War to end All Wars”. By the end of four years of fighting from August 1914 to November 1918 many thousands of families around the world were affected by the tragedy of the wounding or loss of one of their own. Communities were depleted of many of their young men. Preserving the memory of the people involved in the fighting, those people who were forever to be scarred by their involvement in the First World War, and the places ravaged by the war, was at the heart of a desire in the 1920s to find a way to mark their participation in such a large-scale, world-changing event. Memorials to the First World War are many and varied. Official and private memorials are to be found on the battlefields of the various theatres of that war and in the home nation of those who served from the many countries which were involved in it Probably one of the most well recognized WW1 memorials is the Cenotaph, located in Whitehall, London. Each year on November 11th, there is a spectacular parade past the monument of groups such as the Royal British Legion, various military battalions, politicians, diplomatic Commonwealth representatives, and veterans from a number of Britain’s more recent wars. The nation observes a two-minute silence at 11am, with cannons near the Cenotaph signaling the beginning and end of the silence. Wreaths of poppies are laid at the foot of the monument to signify the fields of the Somme where most British lives were lost. The vastness of the parade and the national respect for this event is highly moving. The Cenotaph, London, UK
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