Managing financial resources


Слайд 2

Managing Financial Resources Chapter 13 © 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Managing Financial Resources

Chapter 13

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 3

Chapter Objectives Identify the functions of money and describe the government’s

Chapter Objectives

Identify the functions of money and describe the government’s measure

of money supply.
Identify different types of financial institutions and explain their services and role in expanding the money supply
Identify the goals of the Federal Reserve System (FED) and explain its policies
Explain how a new business gets start-up cash and the ways existing companies finance operations and growth
Show how the securities market operates and is regulated
Understand market performance measures and equity/debt financing

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 4

Functions Of Money © 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Functions Of Money

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 5

Money Supply © 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Money Supply

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 6

Depository Institutions Commercial Banks Savings Banks Credit Unions © 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Depository Institutions

Commercial Banks
Savings Banks
Credit Unions

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 7

Nondepository Institutions Finance Companies Insurance Companies Brokerage Firms © 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Nondepository Institutions

Finance Companies
Insurance Companies
Brokerage Firms

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 8

Financial Services Checking/Savings Accounts ATMs Credit/Debit Cards Loans Financial Advice Sells

Financial Services

Checking/Savings Accounts
Credit/Debit Cards
Financial Advice
Sells Financial Products
Electronic Banking

© 2015 Flat World

Слайд 9

Define the Institution

Define the Institution

Слайд 10

Bank Regulation Federal Depository Insurance Corporation 1933 Insures Deposits Periodic Examinations

Bank Regulation

Federal Depository Insurance Corporation
Insures Deposits
Periodic Examinations
Office of Thrift Supervision
National Credit

Union Administration

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 11

Crisis in the Financial Industry Risky (sub-prime) loans made for homes

Crisis in the Financial Industry

Risky (sub-prime) loans made for homes

between 2001 and 2005
Easy credit drove home prices up
Housing bubble burst: prices dropped and foreclosures rose
Bank profits plummeted
Stock prices fell, people stopped spending, country went into a recession
Congress passed Dodd-Frank bill to reduce likelihood of this happening again

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 12

Money Multiplier © 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Money Multiplier

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 13

Fluctuating Reserve Rates You just won $10 million in the lottery

Fluctuating Reserve Rates

You just won $10 million in the lottery and

used the money to start a bank. On the day you open your doors, the reserve requirement set by the Fed is 10 percent. What’s the maximum amount of money you can loan out? What if the reserve requirement is raised to 12%? Then how much could you loan out? In changing the reserve requirement, what is the Fed trying to do?
Слайд 14

Federal Reserve System Central Banking (1913) 12 Districts/Banks Board of Governors

Federal Reserve System

Central Banking (1913)
12 Districts/Banks
Board of Governors

© 2015 Flat World

Слайд 15

Tools Of The Fed Goals Price Stability Sustainable Economic Growth Full

Tools Of The Fed

Price Stability
Sustainable Economic Growth
Full Employment
Reserve Requirements
Discount Rate
Open Market


© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 16

Open Market Operations

Open Market Operations

Слайд 17

Federal Funds Rate Federal Funds (Discount Rate) Prime Rate © 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Federal Funds Rate

Federal Funds (Discount Rate)
Prime Rate

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 18

Interest Rates © 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Interest Rates

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 19

Banker’s Bank & Government’s Banker Check Clearing U.S. Treasury’s Checking Account

Banker’s Bank & Government’s Banker

Check Clearing
U.S. Treasury’s Checking Account
Paperwork in Government

Collect Federal Tax Payments
Lender to Government

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 20

Financial Manager “…finance is all of the activities involved in planning

Financial Manager

“…finance is all of the activities involved in planning for,

obtaining, and managing a company’s funds.”
“…financial manager determines how much money the company needs, how and where it will get the necessary funds, and how and when it will repay the money…”

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 21

Developing A Financial Plan Estimating Sales Getting The Money Personal Assets

Developing A Financial Plan

Estimating Sales
Getting The Money
Personal Assets
Bank Loans
Making The Financing


© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 22

Where Small Businesses Get Funding © 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Where Small Businesses Get Funding

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 23

Loan Characteristics Maturity Short-Term Intermediate Long-Term Line of Credit Amortization Security

Loan Characteristics

Line of Credit

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 24

Growth Stage Financing Managing Cash Accounts Receivable Accounts Payable— Trade Credit

Growth Stage Financing

Accounts Receivable
Accounts Payable— Trade Credit

© 2015 Flat World

Слайд 25

Sources Of Financing During Growth Stage Bank Additional Owners Private Investors © 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Sources Of Financing During Growth Stage

Additional Owners
Private Investors

© 2015 Flat World

Слайд 26

Investors Angels Venture Capitalists Going Public Initial Public Offering Investment Banking


Venture Capitalists
Going Public
Initial Public Offering
Investment Banking Firm

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 27

Markets And Exchanges Markets Primary Secondary Organized Exchanges New York Stock

Markets And Exchanges

Organized Exchanges
New York Stock Exchange
American Stock Exchange
Over-The-Counter (OTC)

© 2015

Flat World Knowledge
Слайд 28

Regulating Securities Markets Securities and Exchange Commission (1934) Prospectus Insider Trading

Regulating Securities Markets

Securities and Exchange Commission (1934)
Insider Trading
Market Indexes
Dow Jones Industrial

NASDAQ Composite
S & P 500
Reading a Stock Listing
Bull vs. Bear Market

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 29

The Dow © 2015 Flat World Knowledge

The Dow

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 30

NASDAQ Index © 2015 Flat World Knowledge


© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 31

Stock Listing For Hershey Foods © 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Stock Listing For Hershey Foods

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 32

Interpreting A Stock Quotation © 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Interpreting A Stock Quotation

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 33

Learning to Quote Quotations Explain each item in the stock listing for Proctor & Gamble.

Learning to Quote Quotations

Explain each item in the stock listing for

Proctor & Gamble.
Слайд 34

Financing The Going Concern © 2015 Flat World Knowledge Equity Financing Debt Financing

Financing The Going Concern

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Equity Financing
Debt Financing

Слайд 35

Stockholders’ Equity Risk/Reward Tradeoff Dividends Types of Stock Common Preferred Cumulative

Stockholders’ Equity

Risk/Reward Tradeoff
Types of Stock

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 36

Bonds “…debt securities that obligate the issuer to make interest payments


“…debt securities that obligate the issuer to make interest payments to

bondholders and to repay the principal when the bond matures.”
Treasury Bills/Bonds
Municipals (munis)

© 2015 Flat World Knowledge

Слайд 37

Financing a Multimillion Dollar Plant Expansion You’re the CFO for a

Financing a Multimillion Dollar Plant Expansion

You’re the CFO for a large

corporation. The CEO just showed you the plan for a multimillion-dollar plant expansion and reminded you that it’s your job to raise the money. You have three choices: sell bonds, issue common stock, or issue preferred stock. Write a brief report that explains the advantages and disadvantages of each option. Conclude by stating your opinion on the best choice in today’s economic environment.