Atomic structure


Слайд 2

Q1 Select the best choice : Most energy necessary to remove


Select the best choice :
Most energy necessary to remove one electron:

Cu Cu+ Cu2+
Highest electron affinity
Cl Br I
Greatest volume
S2- Ar Ca2+
Слайд 3

R1 Select the best choice : Most energy necessary to remove


Select the best choice :
Most energy necessary to remove one electron:

Cu Cu+ Cu2+
Has the greatest surplus of protons; smallest the most difficult to attract electrons from
Highest electron affinity
Cl Br I
EA is the greatest for the smallest halogen; strongest attraction between nucleus and outermost electrons), so Cl has the highest value
Greatest volume
S2- Ar Ca2+

S has the fewest protons, is therefore the largest

Слайд 4

Q2 Explain why Ag+ is the most common ion for silver.


Explain why Ag+ is the most common ion for silver.

is the more likely configuration for Mn2+ : [Ar]4S23d3 or [Ar]3d5 .
Слайд 5

R2 Ag+ is the most common ion for silver because it


Ag+ is the most common ion for silver because it has

[Kr]4d10 . With filled 4d subshells (0.25pts)
Слайд 6

R1C The preferred configuration of Mn2+ is [Ar]3d5 The 3d orbital


The preferred configuration
of Mn2+ is [Ar]3d5
The 3d orbital are lower

in energy than the 4s. In addition, the configuration minimizes electron-electron repulsions (because each d electron is in a separate space) and maximizes the stabilizing effect of electrons with parallel spin Πe)
Слайд 7

3.2 Units A) Electromagnetic Radiation 3.2.1: Electromagnetic Radiation 3.2.2: Quantization 3.2.3: The Atomic Spectrum of Hydrogen

3.2 Units

A) Electromagnetic Radiation

3.2.1: Electromagnetic Radiation
3.2.2: Quantization
3.2.3: The Atomic Spectrum of

Слайд 8

Spectrum 1862, Maxwell (visible and invisible are EM radiation) J. W.


1862, Maxwell (visible and invisible are EM radiation)

J. W. Ritter



Hertz in 1887



Слайд 9



Слайд 10

3.2 EM Radiation A) Electromagnetic Radiation The frequency of radiation used

3.2 EM Radiation

A) Electromagnetic Radiation
The frequency of radiation used in a

typical microwave oven is 1.00 × 1011 Hz. What is the energy of a mole of microwave photons with this frequency

a. 39.9 J mol–1
b. 3.99 J mol–1
c. 399 J mol–1
d. 0.39 J mol–1

Слайд 11

3.2 Units A) Electromagnetic Radiation The frequency of radiation used in

3.2 Units

A) Electromagnetic Radiation
The frequency of radiation used in a typical

microwave oven is 1.00 × 1011 Hz. What is the energy of a mole of microwave photons with this frequency

h, the Planck constant = 6.626 × 10–34 J s

Avogadro constant, 6.022 × 1023 mol–1

Слайд 12

Solution 1 E = hν, Multiply this value by the Avogadro

Solution 1

E = hν,
Multiply this value by the Avogadro constant

to find the energy of a mole of photons (where the Avogadro constant, NA, is the number of entities in a mole.
E = hν, to calculate the energy of one photon where
h, the Planck constant = 6.626 × 10–34 J s
ν = 1.00 × 1011 Hz (s–1)
E = (6.626 × 10–34 J s) × (1.00 × 1011 s–1) E =
6.63 × 10–23 J
The value for a single photon can then be converted into the energy for one mole of photons by multiplying by the Avogadro constant, 6.022 × 1023 mol–1
Слайд 13

Solution a. 39.9 J mol–1 b. 3.99 J mol–1 c. 399


a. 39.9 J mol–1
b. 3.99 J mol–1
c. 399 J mol–1
d. 0.39

J mol–1
Слайд 14

3.2 Atomic Spectra A) What is the ionization energy (kJ/mol) for

3.2 Atomic Spectra

A) What is the ionization energy (kJ/mol) for an

excited state of hydrogen in which the electron has already been promoted to n = 2 level?

RH = 3.29 x 1015 Hz (Hz = s-1)
h = 6.626 x 10-34 Js
Avogadro Constant = 6.022 x 1023 mol-1

Слайд 15

3.2 Response A

3.2 Response


Слайд 16

3.2 Response A

3.2 Response


Слайд 17

Exercise A line from the Pfund series has the frequency 8.02


A line from the Pfund series has the frequency 8.02 ×

1013 Hz. What value of n2 generates this line in the spectrum?

a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8

Слайд 18

Useful Table 3.4. The atomic spectrum of hydrogen

Useful Table 3.4. The atomic spectrum of hydrogen

Слайд 19

Exercise A line from the Pfund series has the frequency 8.02


A line from the Pfund series has the frequency 8.02 ×

1013 Hz. What value of n2 generates this line in the spectrum?
Слайд 20

Exercise A line from the Pfund series has the frequency 8.02


A line from the Pfund series has the frequency 8.02 ×

1013 Hz. What value of n2 generates this line in the spectrum?
Слайд 21

Exercise Rearranging, by taking 0.04 from each side, gives Dividing both


Rearranging, by taking 0.04 from each side, gives

Dividing both sides by

–0.01563 and multiplying by n2 gives

n2 = 8

a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8

Слайд 22

3.2 Light Interference In Thomas Young’s experiment when he passed light

3.2 Light Interference

In Thomas Young’s experiment when he passed light through

two closely placed slits, it gave an interference pattern. This evidence suggests that light behaves as a particle.


Слайд 23

1.2 Light Interference A set of maxima and minima in an

1.2 Light Interference

A set of maxima and minima in an interference

pattern suggests a totally different effect. As shown in Figures 3.7 and 3.8 (p.114), this experiment is demonstrating the wave like properties of light, where the interference pattern is generated from individual waves adding together (in phase) or subtracting from one another (out of phase).


Слайд 24

Q4 The wave function of an electron is related to the


The wave function of an electron is related to the probability

for finding a particle in a given region of space.
The relationship is given by:
If we integrate the square of the wave function over a given volume we find the probability that the particle is in that volume. In order for this to be true the integral over all space must be one.
The volume element can be given by

Find X of the integration above. Show your integration steps

Слайд 25

Radial Probability Distribution Ψ(r, θ, φ)=R(r) Y(θ, φ)

Radial Probability Distribution

Ψ(r, θ, φ)=R(r) Y(θ, φ)

Слайд 26

Radial Distance

Radial Distance






Слайд 27

Exercise Sketch radial wavefunctions, radial distribution functions and boundary diagrams for 6s and 5p electrons


Sketch radial wavefunctions, radial distribution functions and boundary diagrams for 6s

and 5p electrons
Слайд 28

Radial nodes for S = n-1 Radial nodes for p = n-2

Radial nodes for S = n-1 Radial nodes for p =

Слайд 29

Particle in a Box

Particle in a Box

Слайд 30

Слайд 31

Слайд 32

Слайд 33

Show that if Ψ = Asinrx, the boundary conditions require that

Show that if Ψ = Asinrx, the boundary conditions require that

(Ψ = 0 when x = 0 and x = a) require that

where n = any integer other than 0,

Слайд 34

Слайд 35

Show that if , the energy levels of the particle are given by

Show that if

, the energy levels of the particle are

given by
Слайд 36

Слайд 37

Show that substituting the value of r given in question C

Show that substituting the value of r given in question

C into ψ=Asinrx and applying the normalization requirement gives :
Слайд 38

Слайд 39












Слайд 40

Schrodinger Equation What is the normalization constant for the wave function

Schrodinger Equation

What is the normalization constant for the wave function exp(-ax)

over the range from 0 to infinity?
A. a
B. 2a
C. √a
D. √2a
Слайд 41

What is the normalization constant for the wave function exp(-ax) over

What is the normalization constant for the wave function exp(-ax) over

the range from 0 to infinity?
A. a
B. 2a
C. √a
D. √2a




Слайд 42

Match the type of orbital defined by the quantum numbers given

Match the type of orbital defined by the quantum numbers given

in questions (a) to (d) in the left column, to the answers given in the right column.


a. n equals 2, l equals 3 = 4d orbital
b. n equals 4, l equals 2 = value of n not allowed
c. n equals 0, l equals 0 = 5f orbital
d. n equals 5, l equals 3 = value of l not allowed for this value of n

Слайд 43

Use Slater’s rules to determine the relative sizes of N, O

Use Slater’s rules to determine the relative sizes of N, O

and F atoms.

Slater Rules

a. F>O>N
b. N>F>O
c. Fd. O>F>N

Слайд 44

Step-1 Slater Rules N (Z = 7) is 1s22s22p3 O (Z


Slater Rules

N (Z = 7) is 1s22s22p3
O (Z = 8) is

F (Z = 9) is 1s22s22p5

Step-2 find S

According to Slater’s rules an electron in the same shell screens at 0.35, while an electron in the (n–1) shell screens at 0.85. The shielding for each is therefore

N = (4 x 0.35) + (2 x 0.85) = 2.40
O = (5 x 0.35) + (2 x 0.85) = 2.75
F = (6 x 0.35) + (2 x 0.85) = 3.10

Слайд 45

Use Slater’s rules to determine the relative sizes of N, O

Use Slater’s rules to determine the relative sizes of N, O

and F atoms.

Slater Rules

a. F>O>N
b. N>F>O
*c. Fd. O>F>N

Слайд 46

Electronic Configuration

Electronic Configuration

Слайд 47

Q3 What are the values and quantum numbers l and n


What are the values and quantum numbers l and n of

a 5d electron.

n = 5 and l = 2

Слайд 48

Answer 2 for any d orbitals the l = 2, n = 5

Answer 2

for any d orbitals the l = 2, n

= 5
Слайд 49

R1c Explain factors that cause lanthanide contraction. (0.25pts) Explain why Ag+


Explain factors that cause lanthanide contraction. (0.25pts)
Explain why Ag+ is the

most common ion for silver. (0.25pts)
Which is the more likely configuration for Mn2+ : [Ar]4S23d3 or [Ar]3d5 . (0.25pts)
Слайд 50

ρsinφ Δρ Angle = Arc Length radius of the circle Arc



Angle =

Arc Length
radius of the circle

Arc Length × Arc Length

× Δρ

V = ρsinφ Δθ ρΔφΔρ