Water and its properties


Слайд 2

LESSON OBJECTIVES: Water and its structure To explore the unique properties

Water and its structure
To explore the unique properties of water

as the cohesion, adhesion, capillary water and surface tension
Chemical properties of water as solvent
Water Hardness
Слайд 3

Water is a transparent fluid which forms the world's streams, lakes,

Water is a transparent fluid which forms the world's streams, lakes,

oceans and rain, and is the major constituent of the fluids of living things.
Слайд 4

Water is a buffer that regulates body temperature (through sweating and

Water is a buffer that regulates body temperature (through sweating and


Water helps to hydrate the body:

Our cells are composed of roughly 75% water.

Our blood is composed of roughly 90% water.

Слайд 5

Water is a liquid at standard ambient temperature and pressure, but

Water is a liquid at standard ambient temperature and pressure, but

it often co-exists on Earth with its solid state, ice; and gaseous state, steam (water vapor). It also exists as snow, fog, dew and cloud.





Слайд 6



Слайд 7

As a chemical compound, a water molecule contains one oxygen and

As a chemical compound, a water molecule contains one oxygen and

two hydrogen atoms that are connected by ................ bonds.

Water is:
Composed of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atoms
Polar Molecule has oppositely charged ends


Слайд 8

Unevenly distributed charges due to unequal forces placed on bonding electrons:

Unevenly distributed charges due to unequal forces placed on bonding electrons:

ends slightly negative
Hydrogen end slightly positive

Water molecule is a polar and a dipole

Слайд 9

As result of polarity water molecules form Hydrogen bonds: slightly positive

As result of polarity water molecules form Hydrogen bonds:

slightly positive


hydrogen bond between (+) and (-) areas of different water molecules

slightly negative

Слайд 10

PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF WATER: Water has a high specific heat. Water

Water has a high specific heat.
Water in a

pure state has a neutral pH. As a result, pure water is neither acidic nor basic. Water changes its pH when substances are dissolved in it.
Water conducts heat more easily than any liquid except mercury.
Water molecules exist in liquid form over an important range of temperature from 0 - 100° Celsius.
Water has a high surface tension.
Water is a universal solvent.
Слайд 11

COHESION Water is attracted to water is a various intermolecular forces

Water is attracted to water
is a various intermolecular

forces that hold solids and liquids together
hydrogen bonding locks molecules together.

Water is attracted to other substances
Water is adhesive to any substance with which it can form hydrogen bonds.

Thus the forces between molecules in a drop of water are cohesive, while the mutual attraction between water and glass represents adhesion.

Слайд 12

Слайд 13

Surface Tension Is a property of the surface of a liquid

Surface Tension
Is a property of the surface of a liquid

that allows it to resist an external force, due to the cohesive nature of the water molecules.
Water molecules want to cling to each other. At the surface, however, there are fewer water molecules to cling to since there is air above (thus, no water molecules). This results in a stronger hydrogen bond between those molecules that actually do come in contact with one another, and a layer of strongly bonded water (see diagram). This surface layer (held together by surface tension) creates a considerable barrier between the atmosphere and the water.

Surface tension allows insects to float and stride on a water surface.

Слайд 14

Capillary Action: Capillary action is important for moving water (and all

Capillary Action:
Capillary action is important for moving water (and all of

the things that are dissolved in it) around. It is defined as the movement of water within the spaces of a porous material due to the forces of adhesion, cohesion, and surface tension.


Слайд 15

Density: Water has a density of 1g/mL at 4 °C Water

Water has a density of 1g/mL at 4 °C
Water is the one

of the few substances that is less dense as a solid than liquid
Due to hydrogen bonding and resultant pockets

ice floats on water because
it is less dense

Слайд 16

Properties of Water At sea level, pure water boils at 100

Properties of Water

At sea level, pure water boils at 100 °C

and freezes at 0 °C.
The boiling temperature of water decreases at higher elevations (lower atmospheric pressure).
For this reason, an egg will take longer to boil at higher altitudes
Слайд 17

Water is Universal Solvent: Ions and polar molecules readily dissolve in

Water is Universal Solvent:

Ions and polar molecules readily dissolve in water

Substances such as salt are pulled apart by attraction of opposite charges due to polar structures
Слайд 18

A substance that can behave as either an acid or a

A substance that can behave as either an acid or a

base is called, amphoteric (ampholyte):




All the major components in cells (proteins, DNA and polysaccharides) are also dissolved in water.

Слайд 19

Pure water has a low electrical conductivity, but this increases significantly

Pure water has a low electrical conductivity, but this increases significantly

with the dissolution of a small amount of ionic material such as sodium chloride.
Слайд 20

CHEMICAL PROPERTIES OF WATER: pH (activity acidity) Total Acidity Alkalinity Total

pH (activity acidity)
Total Acidity
Total Hardness
Chemical reactivity: water can

participate in chemical reactions. Example: involvement of water molecules in dehydration synthesis and hydrolysis, electrolysis.
Metals – Iron, Manganese, Zinc, Copper, Chromium, Lead
Nitrate/ Nitrite
Arsenic, Selenium, Fluoride
Total and Free Chlorine
In practice, the chemical properties of water are determined by analytical methods.
Слайд 21

REACTION OF WATER WITH METALS Not all metals react with water.

Not all metals react with water.
Metals of Group 1 (IA

or alkali) react vigorously with cold water forming hydroxide and hydrogen gas:
Metals from magnesium to iron in the activity series of metals, react with steam (but not H2O) to form the metal oxide and hydrogen gas:
Noble metals, such as gold and silver, do not react with water at all.
Слайд 22

DISSOLVING ELECTROLYTES IN WATER Solid electrolytes are composed of ions which

Solid electrolytes are composed of ions which are

held together by electrostatic forces of attraction. When an electrolyte is dissolved in water, these forces are weakened and the electrolyte undergoes dissociation into ions. The ions are solvated.

acid: HCl (g) + H2O (aq) = H+ (aq) + Cl-(aq)
base: NaOH (s) + H2O (aq) = Na+ (aq) + OH-(aq)
salt: NaCl(s) + H2O (aq) = Na+ (aq) + Cl-(aq)

The process of splitting of the molecules into ions of an electrolyte is called dissociation .

Слайд 23

Is a chemical process in which a molecule is cleaved into

Is a chemical process in which a molecule is cleaved into

two parts by the addition of a molecule of water ("chemical decomposition by water," 1880, formed in English from hydro- + Greek lysis "a loosening, a dissolution," from lyein "to loosen, dissolve").

AB + H-OH ⇌ A-H + B-OH


Слайд 24

TOTAL HARDNESS One important indicators of water quality is its hardness.

One important indicators of water quality is its hardness. General

hardness (GH) is caused by the presence of a certain concentration of calcium (Са2+) and magnesium (Mg2+) ions in 1 liter of water:
Слайд 25

These "hardness ions" cause two major kinds of problems. First, the

These "hardness ions" cause two major kinds of problems. First, the

metal cations react with soaps, causing them to form an unsightly precipitate – the familiar "bathtub ring".
More seriously, the calcium and magnesium carbonates tend to precipitate out as adherent solids on the surfaces of pipes and especially on the hot heat exchanger surfaces of boilers. The resulting scale buildup can impede water flow in pipes.

In boilers, the deposits act as thermal insulation that impedes the flow of heat into the water; this not only reduces heating efficiency, but allows the metal to overheat, which in pressurized systems can lead to catastrophic failure.

Слайд 26

TYPES / CLASSIFICATION OF HARDNESS Temporary (carbonate) hardness: Ca(HCO3)2, Mg(HCO3)2 Permanent


Temporary (carbonate) hardness:

(non-carbonate) hardness:
CaCl2, CaSO4


GH = TH + PH

Слайд 27

Temporary hardness is due to the presence of bi-carbonates of calcium

Temporary hardness is due to the presence of bi-carbonates of calcium

and magnesium. It can be removed by easy means like boiling. When temporary hard water is boiled, the carbonates decompose with liberation of carbon-dioxide and precipitation of the insoluble Carbonates which are reformed:

MgCO3 is slightly soluble in water but heating will cause its hydrolysis into the much less soluble Mg(OH)2
So simple boiling and filtering of water remove temporary hardness.


Слайд 28

It is due to the presence of chlorides and sulphates of

It is due to the presence of chlorides and sulphates of

calcium and magnesium. These salts do not decompose on boiling. So permanent hardness can’t be removed easily. It can be removed by soda (Na2CO3), surfactants (Na3PO4) or lime (Ca(OH)2) when MgSO4 is responsible for hardness:


Surfactant a substance that tends to reduce the surface tension of a liquid in which it is dissolved.

Слайд 29

Removal of Hardness Boiling Addition of lime Addition of sodium carbonates

Removal of Hardness

Addition of lime
Addition of

sodium carbonates
Base exchange process
Addition of Sodium carbonate
Base exchange process:
Sodium Permutit is used ( Na2Al2 Si2O H2O )
Exchange Na ions for Ca and Mg ions
Ca and Mg Permutit is formed .
Removes 100% hardness
Some raw water is added to protect against corrosive action of 100% soft water

Temporary Hardness

Permanent Hardness

Слайд 30

Measurement of Hardness Expressed as millimole equivalents of Ca2+ and Mg2+

Measurement of Hardness

Expressed as millimole equivalents of Ca2+ and Mg2+ cations in

1 liter of the water (mmole-Eq/L).
On scale hardness distinguishes:
Слайд 31

ESTIMATION OF WATER HARDNESS Water hardness can be determined by the

Water hardness can be determined by the following

2 analytical methods:
By titration with HCl: In this method temporary hardness can be measured.
By titration with EDTA: In this method general hardness can be measured.
Слайд 32



For determining temporary hardness:

100 ml hard water is taken into a 250 ml conical flask. Then few 3-4 drops of methyl orange is added in it as an indicator. Now titration is carried out by adding 0.1N cold HCl until the yellow color of methyl orange turns red.
Here, each meal 0.1N HCl is equivalent to 0.005 gm of CaCO3. The associated reactions are as follows:
Слайд 33

Add 1ml of buffer solution (NH4OH+NH4Cl) to 100 ml of the

Add 1ml of buffer solution (NH4OH+NH4Cl) to 100 ml of the

original water sample. Add 3-4 drops of Eriochrome Black T indicator. Titrate against 0.05N prepared EDTA solutions in burette until the color charges from wine red (or violet) to pure blue (or turquoise) with no reddish tone; then calculate the general hardness:


Слайд 34

Eriochrome Black Indicator reacted with metal ions in water and changed

Eriochrome Black Indicator reacted with metal ions in water and changed

its color:

Lab # 3 Water Hardness

Слайд 35

Permanent hardness can be found by deducting the temporary hardness from

Permanent hardness can be found by deducting the temporary hardness from

total hardness i.e.

Permanent = General hardness – Temporary
hardness hardness

GH = TH + RH

Слайд 36

CONCLUSION: The safe drinking water is recognized water: with pH of

The safe drinking water is recognized water:
with pH of 7 to

7.5 mmol / L
hardness not more than 7 mmol / L,
the total amount of minerals in which not more than 1 g / l,
harmful chemical impurities do not exceed the maximum allowable concentrations,
and lacking pathogenic bacteria and viruses.
Слайд 37

Слайд 38

RULES OF USING A BURET: Clean the buret with a buret

Clean the buret with a buret brush,

water, and a small amount of detergent. Rinse it twice with deionized water. Be sure to drain deionized water through the tip.
Rinse the buret again with two 10 mL portions of the titrant (HCl or EDTA solutions)
Fill the buret with titrant and drain a small amount from the buret to dispel any air bubbles that might be in the tip.
Слайд 39

Use a marker pen to create a black area on a

Use a marker pen to create a black area on a

white note card. This will be used to help locate the bottom of the meniscus when reading the buret.
Place the note card with the black mark behind the buret and just below the meniscus. This will make the bottom of the meniscus much easier to see. Record the volume reading to the nearest 0.01 mL.
Слайд 40

If you need to dispense less than a full drop of

If you need to dispense less than a full drop of

titrant, open the stopcock slightly to allow a small amount of titrant to accumulate on the tip of the buret.
Rinse the titrant on the tip into the flask using deionized water from your wash bottle.
Слайд 41

КИПЯЧЕНИЕ ВОДЫ Жесткость снижается на 30 - 40%.


Жесткость снижается на 30 - 40%.

Слайд 42

ВЫМОРАЖИВАНИЕ ВОДЫ Общая жесткость снижается на 70-80%.


Общая жесткость снижается на 70-80%.

Слайд 43

ФИЛЬТРАЦИЯ Общая жесткость понижается на 80%.


Общая жесткость понижается на 80%.

Слайд 44

Слайд 45

Что такое бытовой фильтр? Внутри картриджа фильтра содержится смесь из активированного

Что такое бытовой фильтр?

Внутри картриджа фильтра содержится смесь из активированного угля

(черные частицы) и катионообменники (гранулы смолы белого цвета).
Уголь адсорбирует вредные органические вещества и хлориды.
Катионообменники снижают общую жесткость.
Слайд 46