Сhronic kidney disease


Слайд 2

In the whole world there is an increasing amount of patients

In the whole world there is an increasing amount of patients

with chronic kidney pathology. It is foremost determined by growth of morbidity with diabetes mellitus, aging of population and, accordingly, growth of patients number with kidney damages of vascular nature. The number of patients with the terminal stage of chronic kidney disease grows like avalanche; more and more places of dialysis or organs for transplantation are required, charges grow catastrophically. Organizational and financial problems, related to it, began to exceed possibilities even of highly developed rich countries.
Слайд 3

Verification of pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease progress, exposure of risk

Verification of pathogenesis of chronic kidney disease progress, exposure of risk

factors of its origin and development lately promoted working out of the grounded schemes of conservative therapy, which allow effectively to control the process of disease, really to remove beginning of vicarious renal therapy or diminish the amount of lethal complications.
Слайд 4

Criteria of definition of chronic kidney disease

Criteria of definition of chronic kidney disease

Слайд 5

Classification of chronic kidney disease (NKF, USA)

Classification of chronic kidney disease (NKF, USA)

Слайд 6

RISK FACTORS Modified age sex of men race inborn diminishing of


sex of men
inborn diminishing of nephron amount
genetic factors

Potentially modified

activity of the main pathological process
systemic arterial hypertension
high protein diet
concomitant diseases (factors): infections, heart failure, pregnancy, obesity
Iatrogenic factors (nephrotoxic antibiotics, analgetic drugs)
Слайд 7



Слайд 8

In accordance with modern ideas, level of creatinine of whey blood

In accordance with modern ideas, level of creatinine of whey blood

in many cases do not allow correctly to estimate condition of kidney function.
The world experts cosider more preferable to count glomerular filtration level. Its determination is ratified as standard for estimation of kidney function in Ukraine.
From similar methods the Cockcroft-Gault method is widely used. But it is not recommended if glomerular filtration rate is below 30 ml/ min.
where GFS is in ml/min, age – in years.
Слайд 9

Lately for large exactness simplified variant of equation of MDRD -

Lately for large exactness simplified variant of equation of MDRD

- modification of Diet in Renal Disease was widespread, it was shown out during the controlled multicentral research. This equation is recommended for using in everyday clinical practice.
GFS ml/min/1,73m2 =186 * (SCR) –1,154*(age)-0,203* (0,742 w) * (1,210 аа),
where: SCR – creatinine of whey blood, W – women, аа – afroamericans.
For transfer of whey creatinine from mmol/l в mg/dl rate in mmol/l must be multiplied by 0,0113.
Слайд 10

Situations, when it is necessary to use clearance methods of determination

Situations, when it is necessary to use clearance methods of determination

of glomerular filtration speed:

1. Very elderly age and non-standard sizes of body (patients with amputation of extremities).
2. Expressed exhaustion and obesity.
3. Disease of skeletal musculature.
4. Paraplegia and quadriplegia.
5. Vegetarian diet.
6. Rapid decline of kidney function.
7. Before setting of nephrotoxic preparations.
8. At the solution of question about beginning of vicarious renal therapy.

Слайд 11

Example of diagnosis formulation: CKD II: glomerulonephritis (mesangio – proliferative), nephrotic

Example of diagnosis formulation:
CKD II: glomerulonephritis (mesangio – proliferative), nephrotic

syndrome, arterial hypertension.

If there is a secondary damage of kidneys, at the beginning a nosological basis of CKD origin must be specified, then a stage of CKD and name of kidney disease with morphological clarification. For example: Systemic lupus erythematosus, CKD II stage: lupus – nephritis (morphological characteristic), arterial hypertension.

Diabetes mellitus, type I, CKD III stage: diabetic nephropathy stage V, AH, anemia, hyperacidity, dyselectolytemia.
If it is impossible to define a nosological basis of CKD, the diagnosis of CKD is set only.

Слайд 12

Examples of diagnoses: CKD II st.: mesangio – proliferative glomerulonephritis, nephrotic

Examples of diagnoses:
CKD II st.: mesangio – proliferative glomerulonephritis,

nephrotic syndrome, AH
CKD II stage, glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, AH, anemia;
CKD II stage: glomerulonephritis, nephrotic syndrome, AH;
CKD III stage: nonobstructive pyelonephritis, flare, AH, anemia;
CKD III stage: tubulointerstitial nephritis, anemia;
CKD IV stage: polycystosis of kidneys of grown - up type, AH, anemia.
Слайд 13

Systemic lupus erythematosus, CKD II stage: lupus – nephritis (morphological characteristic),

Systemic lupus erythematosus, CKD II stage: lupus – nephritis (morphological characteristic),

Diabetes mellitus, I type, CKD III stage: diabetic nephropathy, nephrotic syndrome, AH, anemia, diabetic foot;
Hemmorhagic vasculitis, CKD III stage: pseudomembranousproliferative type (class VI), AH, anemia;
Secondary amyloidosis, CKD III stage: nephrotic syndrome, anemia;
Hypertensive disease III st., CKD III stage: hypertensive nephropathy, anemia.
Слайд 14

Examples of diagnoses: Sharp glomerulonephritis, nephritic syndrome; Sharp tubulointerstitial nephritis with

Examples of diagnoses:
Sharp glomerulonephritis, nephritic syndrome;
Sharp tubulointerstitial nephritis with violation of

kidney function, anemia;
Sharp uncomplicated pyelonephritis
Слайд 15

Classification of CKD/CRF (Ukraine,2005)

Classification of CKD/CRF (Ukraine,2005)

Слайд 16

ACE inhibitors are indicated to all patients with CKD of I

ACE inhibitors are indicated to all patients with CKD of I

– IV stages for normalization of arterial pressure, diminishing of proteinuria and slowing down of decline of kidney function.
Approaches to using of ACE inhibitors at CKD
Beginning of taking ACE inhibitors on the earliest stages of CKD.
Using of ACE inhibitors at CKD desirably even at absence of AH, diabetes, heart failure and ischemic heart disease.
To begin treatment is necessary from a low dose, gradually increasing it to effective. Nephroprotective action rises with increasing of a dose. It is necessary to control kidney function (clearance of creatinine, GFS).
The criterion of effective diminishing of intraglomerular pressure is decreasing of proteinuria on 30 – 40 %.
Stable increase of creatinine level more than on 30% after setting of ACE inhibitors is an absolute indication to abolition of these preparations.