Trypanosoma Brucei

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Geographical distribution

Geographical distribution

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Life Cycle of Trypanosoma brucei 1. When an infected tsetse fly

Life Cycle of Trypanosoma brucei
1. When an infected tsetse fly bites

a person (or animal), it injects a form of the protozoa that can cause infection (called trypomastigotes) into the skin. The protozoa move to the lymphatic system and bloodstream.
2. Inside the person, they change forms and travel to organs and tissues throughout the body, including lymph and spinal fluid.
3. The protozoa multiply in the bloodstream and other body fluids.
4. They circulate in the bloodstream.
5. A fly ingests the protozoa when it bites an infected person.
6. Inside the fly, the protozoa change forms and multiply.
7–8. The protozoa travel to the fly's salivary glands, multiply, and change into trypomastigotes—the form that is injected when the fly bites a person.
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Disease caused by trypanosoma brucei African Trypanosomiasis, also known as “sleeping

Disease caused by trypanosoma brucei

African Trypanosomiasis, also known as “sleeping

sickness”, is caused by microscopic parasites of the species Trypanosoma brucei. It is transmitted by the tsetse fly (Glossina species), which is found only in sub-Saharan Africa.
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Pain areas: in the joints or muscles Sleep: insomnia or sleepiness

Pain areas: in the joints or muscles
Sleep: insomnia or sleepiness
Weight: muscle loss and weakness

or weight loss
Also common: fever, headache, itching, mental confusion, personality change, problems with coordination, skin rash, or swollen lymph nodes


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Only four drugs are registered for the treatment of human African

Only four drugs are registered for the treatment of human African trypanosomiasis: pentamidine, suramin,

melarsoprol and eflornithine. A fifth drug, nifurtimox, is used in combination under special authorizations.


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Can African sleeping sickness be prevented? Wear protective clothing, such as

Can African sleeping sickness be prevented?
Wear protective clothing, such as long-sleeved

shirts and pants. ...
Wear khaki, olive, or other neutral-colored clothing. ...
Use bed nets when sleeping.
Look inside vehicles for tsetse flies before getting into them.
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