Education in Great Britain

Слайд 2

Plan: Education in Great Britain Grammar: Plural form of nouns The future simple Present simple


Education in Great Britain

Plural form of nouns
The future simple
Present simple

Слайд 3

Higher education

Higher education

Слайд 4

Institutions of Higher Education In the UK, two different main types

Institutions of Higher Education

In the UK, two different main types of

higher education exist.
On the one hand, there are universities, who traditionally teach
and award their own degrees. Universities have full rights to award
taught and research degrees. In the UK, university are mostly
grouped by their age or quality. On the other hand, there are colleges, which can be split to two
groups. University Colleges, who historically prepared for degrees
from other institutions, but have gained more and more rights like
the possibility to award own taught degrees. There are still university
colleges, who do not award their own degrees but the degrees from
external institutions. 1992 and 2005, many former university colleges
became full universities.
Слайд 5

Courses In the UK, the students are divided into two main

In the UK, the students are divided into two main groups:

Undergraduate and postgraduate students. Undergraduate
students are all students, who have not yet finished a first
degree or aim for a degree that does not require a previously
finished university degree. Most undergraduate students
aim for a Bachelor degree (3 to 4 years) and leave university
afterwards. In the UK, many companies offer trainee
programmes, which finishes the education of students.
Слайд 6

Tuition fees

Tuition fees

Слайд 7

In England and Northern Ireland, the tuition fee for UK and

In England and Northern Ireland, the tuition fee for UK and

students depends on the studying subject and the entering time
to university. Changes to the tuition fee affect new students only.
Currently, the highest tuition fee is 3,125 £ a year. Most university
demand for nearly each degree a tuition fee near the highest amount.

In Wales, there is a discount for Welsh undergraduate students to the tuition fee. If a Welsh student studies in Wales, the tuition fee is limited to 1,200 £ a year. If Welsh students study somewhere else in UK, they have to pay the full amount of tuition fees. Students from the rest of the UK have to pay the same tuition fees as in England and Northern Ireland, while students from the rest of the EU get the same discount as Wales students due to European law.

Слайд 8

Слайд 9

Слайд 10

Plural form of nouns имён существительных является прибавление окончания -s или

Plural form of nouns

имён существительных является прибавление окончания -s или -es

к форме существительного в единственном числе.
-s-esa bag — bags a cat — cats a rose  Основным способом образования множественного числа — rosesa glass — glasses a fox — foxes a watch — watches a bush — bushesИмена существительные, оканчивающиеся на -y с предшествующей согласной, образуют множественное число путём прибавления окончания -es, причём -у меняется на -i. Например, a dictionary — dictionaries.
Слайд 11

Ряд существительных образуют форму множественного числа особым образом ед. ч.man woman

Ряд существительных образуют форму множественного числа особым образом

ед. ч.man woman foot tooth goose mouse child sheep deer datum phenomenon

мн. ч.men women feet teeth geese mice children sheep deer data phenomena

Слайд 12

The Future Simple Tense Ағылшын тіліндегі The Future Simple,жалпы келер шақ

The Future Simple Tense

Ағылшын тіліндегі The Future Simple,жалпы келер шақ I

жақтағы жекеше және көпше түрдегі shall көмекші етістігінен,ал басқа жақтар үшін will көмекші етістігі мен негізгі тұйық етістіктен to демеулігінсіз жасалады:
Слайд 13

(Shall,will+V infinitive)

(Shall,will+V infinitive)