Communication principles


Слайд 2

The Importance of Interpersonal Communications Communication Styles Communicating Effectively Nonverbal Communication

The Importance of Interpersonal Communications
Communication Styles
Communicating Effectively
Nonverbal Communication
Giving and Receiving


Topics and Agenda

Слайд 3

Course Progress Module 0: Factors Influencing Human Interaction Module 01: Communication

Course Progress

Module 0: Factors Influencing Human Interaction
Module 01: Communication

02: Decision Making
Module 03: Negotiation
Module 04: Conflict Management
Module 05: Relationship Management
Module 06: Leadership
Слайд 4

Factors in today’s workplace: Technology Time Diversity Liability Organizational structure Why is communication important?

Factors in today’s workplace:
Organizational structure

Why is communication important?

Слайд 5

Organizations today: Flatter Less formal Matrixed More fluid Why is communication important?

Organizations today:
Less formal
More fluid

Why is communication important?

Слайд 6

Factors specific to software development: Distributed development Varying languages (Technical/Nontechnical) Differing

Factors specific to software development:
Distributed development
Varying languages (Technical/Nontechnical)
Differing processes and


Why is communication important?

Слайд 7

Passive Aggressive Assertive Communication Styles


Communication Styles

Слайд 8

Passive Puts others first Sends message of inferiority Soft or apologetic

Puts others first
Sends message of inferiority
Soft or apologetic tone of

Submissive nonverbal cues
Can lead to disrespect from others

Communication Styles

Слайд 9

Aggressive Puts self first Sends message of superiority Loud and forceful

Puts self first
Sends message of superiority
Loud and forceful

tone of voice
Confrontational nonverbal cues
May anger coworkers

Communication Styles

Слайд 10

Assertive Stands up for personal opinions while respecting opinions of others

Stands up for personal opinions while respecting opinions of others

parties are important and equal
Firm, confident tone of voice
Relaxed nonverbal cues
Projects high self-esteem

Communication Styles

Слайд 11

What words would you use to describe the three styles? How

What words would you use to describe the three styles?
How might

each of these styles be perceived in the workplace?

Communication Styles

Слайд 12

“There are two ways of exerting one's strength: one is pushing

“There are two ways of exerting one's strength: one is pushing

down, the other is pulling up.”
Booker. T Washington
Educator, Author and Advisor to presidents of the United States

Communicating Effectively

Слайд 13

Constructive communication helps build: Employee morale Teamwork Relationships Destructive communication creates: Conflict Resentment Resistance/rebellion Communicating Effectively

Constructive communication helps build:
Employee morale
Destructive communication creates:

Communicating Effectively

Слайд 14

Communication is more than just words 7%-38%-55% Principle Words= 7% Tone

Communication is more than just words
7%-38%-55% Principle
Words= 7%
Tone of Voice

= 38%
Body Language = 55%

Communicating Effectively

Слайд 15

Use words that show you are: Knowledgeable Credible Trustworthy Honest Dependable Communicating Effectively

Use words that show you are:

Communicating Effectively

Слайд 16

Avoid words that are: Demanding Demeaning Discriminatory Offensive Negative Overused Communicating Effectively

Avoid words that are:

Communicating Effectively

Слайд 17

When might you communicate something other than a fact? Communicating Effectively

When might you communicate something other than a fact?

Communicating Effectively

Слайд 18

Focus on the problem Be specific Be congruent Take responsibility for

Focus on the problem
Be specific
Be congruent
Take responsibility for statements

and actions
Practice active listening
Show respect for other points of view

Communicating Effectively

Слайд 19

“What you do speaks so loud I cannot hear what you

“What you do speaks so loud I cannot hear what you

Ralph Waldo Emerson
American essayist, lecturer, and poet

Nonverbal Communication

Слайд 20

Influencing Factors Context Environment People’s behaviors Nonverbal Communication

Influencing Factors
People’s behaviors

Nonverbal Communication

Слайд 21

Vocal characteristics Rate of speech Pitch Volume Tone Nonverbal Communication

Vocal characteristics
Rate of speech

Nonverbal Communication

Слайд 22

What do you think of someone who talks too fast? What

What do you think of someone who talks too fast?
What do

you think of someone who speaks too slowly?
What is a high pitch associated with?
What is a high volume (shouting) associated with?
What does it mean when someone says “Watch your tone”?

Nonverbal Communication

Слайд 23

Facial expressions Eye contact Gestures Posture Proxemics Visual Cues

Facial expressions
Eye contact

Visual Cues

Слайд 24

Intimate Distance Personal Distance Social Distance Public Distance Proxemics – Use of Space

Intimate Distance
Personal Distance
Social Distance
Public Distance

Proxemics – Use

of Space

Слайд 25

Proxemics – Use of Space Seating Arrangements Personal Space; the Behavioral

Proxemics – Use of Space

Seating Arrangements

Personal Space; the Behavioral Basis

of Design – Robert Sommer
Слайд 26

Chronemics – Use of Time

Chronemics – Use of Time

Слайд 27

Why do we ask questions? Gain or provide information Obtain participation

Why do we ask questions?
Gain or provide information
Obtain participation
Check understanding

or interest
Get people to think
Reach agreement
Discover differences


Слайд 28

Strategies for asking “good” questions: Ask open-ended questions Show interest Ask

Strategies for asking “good” questions:
Ask open-ended questions
Show interest
Ask follow-up question
Ask what

could be done better
Do not ask a question if you already know the answer


Слайд 29

True or False? Effective listening is as important as effective speaking.

True or False?
Effective listening is as important as effective speaking.
Most people

are as good at listening as they are at talking.
College students listen to about 50% of what is said and remember 25% of the content after 2 days.


Слайд 30

A conversation between a US Navy ship and Canadian authorities: (Canadians)

A conversation between a US Navy ship and Canadian authorities:
(Canadians) Please

divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.
(Americans) Recommend you divert your course 15 degrees to the north to avoid a collision.
(Canadians) Negative! You will have to divert your course 15 degrees to the south to avoid a collision.
(Americans) This is a captain of a US Navy ship. I say again, divert YOUR course.
(Canadians) No, I say again, divert YOUR course.


Слайд 31

(Americans) This is the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln, the second largest

(Americans) This is the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln, the second largest

ship in the United States Fleet. We are accompanied by three destroyers, three cruisers and numerous support vessels. I DEMAND that you change YOUR course 15 degrees north. I say again, this is One Five degrees north, or countermeasures will be taken to ensure the safety of this ship.
(Canadians) This is a lighthouse. Your call.


Слайд 32

Important management skill Managers listen for up to 60% of workday

Important management skill
Managers listen for up to 60% of workday

Benefits of listening:
Learning new things
Developing better understanding
Making better decisions
Saving time


Слайд 33

Barriers to listening: Lack of interest Distracting delivery Noise or other distractions Attitude Active Listening

Barriers to listening:
Lack of interest
Distracting delivery
Noise or other


Active Listening

Слайд 34

Tips for active listening: Pay attention Show you are listening Show

Tips for active listening:
Pay attention
Show you are listening
Show you understand

Allow the speaker to finish
Provide feedback

Active Listening

Слайд 35

When providing feedback: Balance positive and negative Be specific and nonjudgmental

When providing feedback:
Balance positive and negative
Be specific and nonjudgmental

suggestions and guidance
Be timely

Giving and Receiving Feedback