The Fulbright Program


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“I don’t think I can properly convey how much the Fulbright

“I don’t think I can properly convey how much
the Fulbright Summer

Institute program means
to me now. I grew so much academically, socially
and personally. This was the best experience
of my life, hands down.”

Name Surname

Слайд 3

“Now that I am back in my familiar environmentat school, I

“Now that I am back in my familiar environmentat school, I

have realized how exactly how
different my world view is now. I have amazing
memories that will last a lifetime.”

Name Surname

Слайд 4

“Seeing the diversity of people, the variety of experiences and the

“Seeing the diversity of people, the variety of
experiences and the complexity

of a forward-thinking country was incredibly engaging. It was all about making the most of the opportunities we had, and the making the opportunities that we
didn’t have.”

Name Surname

Слайд 5

“An incredible experience…it helped me focus my career goals and introduce

“An incredible experience…it helped me focus my
career goals and introduce me

to friends who have
touched my life.”

Name Surname

Слайд 6

Name University Subjects Home town Three words that describe you Name Surname

Home town
Three words that describe you

Name Surname

Слайд 7

Country Host organisation/university How long did the exchange last? Mention three

Host organisation/university
How long did the exchange last?
Mention three extraordinary locations with


Name Surname

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Image caption

Image caption

Слайд 9

Image Caption

Image Caption

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Image Caption

Image Caption

Слайд 11

Share Name Surname


Name Surname

Слайд 12

Talk about your fellow students Talk about faculty - mention the

Talk about your fellow students
Talk about faculty - mention the subjects

that inspired you
Talk about guest speakers or guides you met and their stories

Name Surname

Слайд 13

Talk about the academic program including the most interesting and surprising topics Name Surname

Talk about the academic program including the most interesting and surprising


Name Surname

Слайд 14

What did you do on your own or together in your free time? Name Surname

What did you do on your own or together in your

free time?

Name Surname

Слайд 15

Share Name Surname


Name Surname

Слайд 16

How did the experience change your view of the host country?

How did the experience change your view of the host country?

did study abroad change your own life plan?
Talk about how plans for the future
Talk about if your plans have changed after studying abroad

Name Surname

Слайд 17

Provide two pieces of advice to your peers or high school

Provide two pieces of advice to your peers or high school

students on why they should sign up to study abroad?

Name Surname

Слайд 18

Make introductions to other study abroad students via social media Feel

Make introductions to other study abroad students via social media
Feel free

to contact me on [your email address] for a more in-depth conversation

Name Surname

Слайд 19

The Fulbright Program is the flagship educational and cultural exchange program

The Fulbright Program is the flagship educational and cultural exchange program

of the US Department of State with support for host governments, universities and organisations around the world
Founded in 1946 by Arkansas Senator J William Fulbright (1905-1995)
International exchange between the United States and 150 countries
360,000 persons have taken part in the Fulbright program
54 Fulbright alumni have won Nobel prizes
82 have won a Pulitzer prize
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Talk to your study abroad adviser for advice and funding options

Talk to your study abroad adviser for advice and funding options

with other students who have studied abroad
For more information on study aboard visit:
For more information about Fulbright summer institutes visit:
For more information about studying in the UK visit: