Nikolay Vasilievich Sklifosovsky

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Nikolay Vasilievich Sklifosovsky, an outstanding Russian surgeon, professor and scientist, was

Nikolay Vasilievich Sklifosovsky, an outstanding Russian surgeon, professor and scientist, was

born on April 6, 1836 in the Kherson Province. He was the ninth child in a large (12 children in all) Ukrainian family of a poor nobleman Vasily Sklifosovsky, who served as a clerk at the Dubossary Quarantine Office. There are many children, it was hard for him to feed them. Nicholas early sent to the Odessa home for orphans. From an early age he experienced a bitter feeling of homelessness and loneliness, from which he very soon began to look for salvation in the teaching. Particularly interested in his natural sciences, ancient and foreign languages, literature and history. The doctrine was not only a salvation, but also a goal - to overcome the unenviable purpose, difficult everyday circumstances, to conquer the unpleasant fate.
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He entered the Moscow University Medical Faculty, from which he graduated

He entered the Moscow University Medical Faculty, from which he graduated

in 1859. Upon completion of the course, Nikolai Vasilyevich was an intern, then head of the surgical department of the Odessa City Hospital. In 1863 he defended his thesis for the degree of doctor of medicine on the topic "About the circulatory blood tumor".
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N. V. Sklifosovsky worked (with the consent of the Russian government)

N. V. Sklifosovsky worked (with the consent of the Russian government)

as a military doctor during the Austro-Prussian war a follower of Pirogov, N. V. Sklifosovsky correctly assessed the importance and importance for the surgeon of practical education, especially knowledge of military field surgery. In 1871, N.V. Sklifosovsky was invited to the department at the St. Petersburg Medical-Surgical Center, where he taught surgical pathology, at the same time managing the clinical department of a military hospital. After 5 years, N. V. Sklifosovsky was a member of the Balkan (1876), and then the Russian-Turkish (1877-78) wars.


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The history of the Institute of emergency care to them. N.

The history of the Institute of emergency care to them. N.

V. Sklifosovsky, founded for charitable purposes by Count N. P. Sheremetev, opened in 1810. The house consisted of a hospital for 50 "suffering from ailments" and a shelter for 25 orphan girls. It was one of the first institutions in Russia to provide medical care to the poorest segments of the population and to charity for orphans and homeless people. Today it is the largest multidisciplinary scientific and practical center for emergency medical care in Russia. All its units provide free round-the-clock, high-quality medical care to everyone who applies for it. The objectives of the institute are scientific activities, medical assistance to the sick and injured, training and consulting specialists in the field of emergency medicine.
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Institute. Sklifosovsky

Institute. Sklifosovsky

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The value of N. V. Sklifosovsky in the history of Russian

The value of N. V. Sklifosovsky in the history of Russian

Introduced into the surgical practice the principles of antisepsis (disinfection with the help of chemicals), and then asepsis (disinfection with the help of physical means) in Russia. These divided the history of surgery into two periods. A large number of purulent, putrid inflammations, anaerobic phlegmon (inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue) and gangrene (necrosis), septic (putrid) and septicopiaemic (suppurative) wound complications with colossal mortality characterized the previous period of history of surgery. The absence of anesthesia led to a significant restriction of the use of surgical interventions: only short-term operations could be transferred without severe excruciating pain.
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As a surgeon, N. V. Sklifosovsky enjoyed deserved world fame. As

As a surgeon, N. V. Sklifosovsky enjoyed deserved world fame.

As a true student and follower of Pirogov, N. V. Sklifosovsky thoroughly studied anatomy, devoting a lot of time to autopsies. In the pre-antiseptic time, he successfully carried out such large operations as the removal of the ovary, when these operations were not performed in many large European clinics. He was one of the first to introduce a laparotomy (celiac) with us - opening the abdominal cavity.
He was one of the first to have a gastrostomy surgery (excision of the stomach), introduced a deaf suture of the bladder, goiter operation, excision of tongue cancer with (ligation) of the lingual artery, removal of the larynx, brain hernia surgery, etc. N.V. Sklifosovsky operated in all areas of surgery ; He was an equally brilliant surgeon in both peace and field surgery. Therefore, the largest surgeons called N. V. Sklifosovsky "golden hands".
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gastrostomy (excision of the stomach)

gastrostomy (excision of the stomach)

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Several apoplexy strokes interrupted the life of an outstanding surgeon. The

Several apoplexy strokes interrupted the life of an outstanding surgeon. The

last four years he lived in his Poltava estate "Yakovtsy". November 30, 1904 at one in the morning Nikolai Vasilievich Sklifosovsky was gone. He was buried in a place memorable for Russia, where the Battle of Poltava had once been.
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Monument N.V. Sklifosovsky. Poltava.

Monument N.V. Sklifosovsky. Poltava.