Recent inventions in science and technology

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Hoverboard This invention not only has been tested, but has appeared


This invention not only has been tested, but has appeared

in free sale. Price starts at $ 300. There are no fuel costs. Just I jumped up and went. The main thing to learn how to keep the balance. He is balanced automatically as soon as a person jumps on board. Today hoverboard so popular that their production licenses bought about two dozen large companies. And the inventors themselves - Jimmy Fallon and Kendall Jenner - have become millionaires. However, the hoverboard is strictly prohibited in Albion. So go to them in 2016, we began almost everyone except the British.
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The sensor, which detects the presence of gluten Inventors in 2016

The sensor, which detects the presence of gluten

Inventors in 2016 eased

life with allergies, as well as mothers of small babies. With this sensor, you can find out in 2 minutes - there in a dish or drink gluten-free or not. Available device called Nima will appear in early 2017. And it works very simple. A little product is placed in a cartridge and 120 seconds, the screen displays the smiling smile - that means no gluten or sad muzzle - which confirms its existence. Shirin herself inventor Yates suffers from celiac disease (gluten intolerance). In its plans, such as sensory devices to detect peanut meal (severe allergy) and dairy products.
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Bionic ears At the sale there were a few days ago.

Bionic ears

At the sale there were a few days ago. They

will help you to drown out unwanted sounds. For example, you're sitting at the airport, and a number of very loud crying baby - in-ear device, and you can hear everything but the baby. It's like another audio reality. You choose what to hear and what is not. This helps musicians during the concert to focus on the music rather than the other noises in the room, or talk on the phone without hearing the noise around. The device syncs with the smartphone and can have the function of conventional headphones.
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Digital-stethoskop We do not know how he will soon have our


We do not know how he will soon have our doctors,

but the thing is worthy of respect. After all, what the physician due to human error can not listen to or observe, make him a stethoscope. You can also connect it to your smartphone, which is possible to record the heartbeat periodically. If your heart suddenly encounter failures in pumping blood, noise or other anomalies - you will find out about it before the doctor. Such a system, according to US inventors, reduce mortality by cardiovascular disease, thanks to early detection.
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Augmented Reality Headset It is certainly not 5D cinema, but to

Augmented Reality Headset

It is certainly not 5D cinema, but to go

on the ocean floor or in the underground gorge, you can not get up off the couch. Such a device will appeal to fans of computer games, because thanks to a variety of applications, it is possible to make war with the robots, space aliens, and more. Now these sets are used for educational tasks NASA specialists and medical students who are learning to do as the operation.
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Desktop DNA laboratory This instrument analyzes the DNA of three hours.

Desktop DNA laboratory

This instrument analyzes the DNA of three hours. Not

for a day, do not for a month, and 180 minutes. This record time, which could save thousands of lives. After all, search for donors, unfortunately, a very long process. Choose organ transplant, find a bone marrow donor, which is so often claimed for children of operations can now be just a few hours. Company Fluidigm, the inventor of the miracle machine, hoping that their products will appear soon in the majority of hospitals in the world.
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Safe truck Not without inventions solved the high mortality on the

Safe truck

Not without inventions solved the high mortality on the road problem.

After all, the lion's share of accidents occur due to driver error, that is bad about the situation. At the risk of going on and maneuver, not seeing what is happening in front of trucks, hundreds of people are dying every day. Therefore, none other than the Samsung as a well-known company, offered to translate the camera from the front of the truck traffic situation on his body the way it looks in the photo. Now, moving back, drivers can easily assess the situation and safer travel.
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Virtual brush and canvas Apple Pencil gives even more opportunities to

Virtual brush and canvas

Apple Pencil gives even more opportunities to artists,

designers and architects. Their new creation allows you to draw at any angle and adjust the press. In general, nothing extraordinary. Ordinary pencil, but your creation instantly digitized. Apple Pencil is already breaking records of sales in the United States.
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Vacuums for ocean The invention Ukrainian. For its realization took the

Vacuums for ocean

The invention Ukrainian. For its realization took the company Ocean Cleanup

Project. Using the flow, people will be able to establish a huge fence, which will collect all the plastic from the ocean surface. One such trap is worth $ 15 million. Set them in the right places, for 10 years, they can be used to collect half of the debris in the oceans. The devices will not interfere with the movements of marine inhabitants. To begin such treatment is planned in 3 years.
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Electric SUV Now electric car not only protects nature, but also

Electric SUV

Now electric car not only protects nature, but also help

get its owner anywhere. Without recharging it overcomes some 400 kilometers, carries 7 people. Acceleration to 100 kilometers per hour in 4 seconds. Tesla Model X will call in any jungle. So manufacturers decided to show that the electric car - not a fad for the city streets, and complete vehicle. Sales - September this year.
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